afsha - infections

This class was created by Brainscape user Hana Manuchar. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (30)

Ahminoglycosides are primarily ex...,
In which patients must you freque...,
Monitoring of patients parameters 3
30  cards
Cautions for all tetracyclines 2,
Common side effects,
What is henoch schonlein purpora
34  cards
Dose of clarithromcyin in cap,
Dose of clarithromcyin in hap,
Dose of clarithromycin in acute e...
31  cards
Name 5,
Can you use in mrsa infections,
You see that a pt who takes melox...
26  cards
Caused by which bacteria,
How is it spread,
Can you get tb from someone who h...
58  cards
skin infections
When is mastitis abx treatment in...,
Can you still bf during treatment...,
Treatment of mastitis if abx indi...
6  cards
blood infections
What type of drug do you give for...,
Treatment of ca septicaemia if mr...,
Treatment of ca septicaemia if an...
12  cards
diabetic foot infections
Define diabetic food infection,
Defined clinically by the presenc...,
What is induration
15  cards
Safety info optic neuropathy,
Safety info blood disorders,
Monitoring requirements
14  cards
CNS infections
What is initial empirical therapy...,
What is initial empirical therapy...,
In hospital consider adjunct trea...
12  cards
genital infections
Uncomplicated genital chlamydial ...,
Treatment of bv,
2nd line for uncomplicated genita...
26  cards
GI systems
1  cards
What type of virus is it,
How does it cause immunodeficiency,
When does aids occur
26  cards
How many types,
Which type if more virulent and o...,
Which type presents a milder cour...
47  cards
herpesvirus infections
Herpes infection of the mouth and...,
Genital infection is most often a...,
What is prodromal phase
68  cards
urinary tract infections
A patient has recently been start...,
Utis are predominantly caused by ...,
Infection due to candida albicans...
49  cards
UTI drugs info
Dose of nitrofurantoin for lower ...,
Dose of,
Dose of nitrofurantoin for non pr...
45  cards
Can you use against mrsa,
What are they and what is their s...,
Meropenem 1 interaction with this...
12  cards
What is the only lincosamide called,
Contraindications with systemic use,
What to do if you develop diarrho...
17  cards
Pmp 4 interactions vit k antagoni...,
Name the 4 drugs that pmp interac...,
Pmp take with or without food
26  cards
1  cards
Lyme disease
What microorganism causes the inf...,
Borrelia burgorferi causes,
Transmitted to humans by
18  cards
What is it,
Mrsa can colonise the following b...,
The 4 following oral abx can be c...
4  cards
What is their spectrum of activity,
State some uses of cephalosporins,
They are mainly excreted
27  cards
What should you recommend to pati...,
Is prophylaxis absolute,
Clothing that provide protection ...
49  cards
If a pt has leprosy what should y...,
What bacteria is it caused by,
What are the 3 drugs recommended
11  cards
When will patients need treatment,
Does it always need treatment,
3  cards
ear infections
What are two causative species,
What is otitis externa
2  cards
State the antibiotics safe in pre...,
Which antibiotics are contraindic...,
Which antibiotic has increased ri...
201  cards
fungal infection
What bodily systems does aspergil...,
1st line and alternatives for asp...,
Vaginal candidiasis can be treate...
10  cards

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afsha - infections

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