advanced higher chemistry

This class was created by Brainscape user Lia Heffernan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Molecular Orbitals
What can orbitals be used to explain,
What are atomic orbitals,
What happens when atomic orbitals...
47  cards
What are the two ways bonds can b...,
What are free radicals,
Are free radicals suitable for sy...
66  cards
Experimental Determination of Structure
What is elemental analysis also k...,
What is the empirical formula,
What can combustion analysis not ...
28  cards
Medicinal Chemistry
What are drugs,
When can a drug be classified as ...,
What do medicines contain
45  cards
Electromagnetic Radiation & Atomic Spectra
What is electromagnetic radiation,
What are the different types of e...,
What is the range of the em spectrum
16  cards
Atomic Orbitals & The Periodic Table
How do electrons behave within th...,
What are standing waves,
What is the max no of electrons i...
43  cards
Transition Metals
How are transition metals defined,
What are the exceptions to the au...,
What is the electronic configurat...
32  cards
Chemical Equilibrium
What is dynamic equilibrium,
What can be said about the concen...,
What is le chatelier s principle
17  cards
What is the symbol for the rate c...,
How can the rate constant be dete...,
How can the rate equation be expr...
16  cards
Ionic Product of Water
What is the dissociation of water,
What is the equation for the ioni...,
What is the value of the ionic pr...
30  cards
Molecules & Colour
How do most organic molecules appear,
What is the energy from photons u...,
What do pi and sigma orbitals con...
18  cards
What is stoichometry,
What are the different types of a...,
What does volumetric analysis inv...
32  cards

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advanced higher chemistry

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