advanced higher

This class was created by Brainscape user Iona McDonald. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Biological Theories of Crime
What is biological postivism,
Describe lombroso s theory of cri...,
Describe lombroso s study
25  cards
Psychological Theories of Crime
Why do we focus on psychological ...,
It is thought that people with lo...,
What theorists focus on iq and it...
24  cards
Sociological Theories of Crime
What does bowlby suggest about at...,
How can bowbly s attachment theor...,
Summarise international comparato...
33  cards
Theories of punishment
According to zedner 2004 what are...,
Punishment can be divided into th...,
What does reductivism focus on
47  cards
Purpose of punishment
There is support in the uk for re...,
What contemporary evidence is the...,
A focus on retribution as the mai...
15  cards
Early intervention
What evidence is there that scotl...,
The early intervention foundation...,
The centre for youth crime and ju...
8  cards
Multi agency approaches
Describe the vru,
What is a us example of a similar...,
A vru programme which has helped ...
3  cards
Perception and measurement of crime
How does the the 2020 scottish cr...,
How does the media influence perc...,
Why might the impact of violent c...
13  cards
Cost of crime
How might perpetrators be economi...,
Why might we argue that crime imp...,
Why might we argue that perpetrat...
38  cards
Custodial vs non custodial
What is the publics perception of...,
Describe what a non custodial sen...,
What are more effective custodial...
6  cards
Women and crime
0  cards
Law and order research methods
1  cards

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advanced higher

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