advanced drug delivery

This class was created by Brainscape user Nikki Miller. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Buccal Delivery
What areas of the mouth are karat...,
Why are areas of the mouth kerati...,
What cells make up keratinised ti...
14  cards
Transdermal Delivery
What is the area of the skin,
How much blood does skin receive,
What is the function of the skin
22  cards
CNS Delivery
What are the cns barriers,
What is the function of the bbb,
What is the blood csf barrier
28  cards
Pulmonary Delivery
What are three characteristics of...,
Why use the pulmonary route,
What are aerosol made of
19  cards
Nasal Delivery
What are the functions of the nose,
Which part of the nasal cavity is...,
What is the vestibule
21  cards
Polymer-drug Conjugates
What is a pro drug and an example,
What are polymer drug conjugates,
What are examples of cleavable li...
6  cards
Long Acting Implants
What are the benefits of long act...,
What is a monolithic device,
What is a reservoir system
11  cards
Vaginal Delivery
What is the surface area of the v...,
How can the cells of the vaginal ...,
Is the vagina mucosa epithelium v...
22  cards
What are particulate drug deliver...,
What are the advantages of using ...,
What are liposomes
15  cards
Ocular Delivery
What is the anterior segment of t...,
What is the posterior segment of ...,
What is the eye volume
32  cards
Long Acting Injectable Implants
Why use long acting injectable im...,
What is an example of a long acti...,
What is an example of a long acti...
11  cards
Oral Delivery
What is the maximum amount of flu...,
What cells release hydrochloric a...,
What is the ph of the duodenum
36  cards
What happens post vaccine,
What is immune sensing of uridines,
What is the inate immune response
14  cards
Peptides And Proteins
0  cards
How many defective genes are ther...,
What are examples of genetic diso...,
What are the three mechanisms of ...
26  cards

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advanced drug delivery

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