This class was created by Brainscape user sofia king. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

KA 1: field techniques for biologists: health and safety
Aspects of fieldwork can,
List the hazards in fieldwork,
What is risk
5  cards
KA 1: field techniques for biologists: sampling of wild organisms
How should sampling be carried out,
What must consideration be given to,
The chosen technique point count ...
7  cards
KA 1: field techniques for biologists: identification and taxonomy
How can the identification of an ...,
How can organisms be classified,
What is taxonomy
14  cards
KA 1: field techniques for biologists: monitoring populations
What can give info of environment...,
What can be used to monitor an ec...,
What does the absence or reduced ...
9  cards
KA 1: field techniques for biologists: measuring and recording animal behaviour
List some of the measurements use...,
What is latency,
What is frequency
8  cards
KA 2: evolution: drift and selection
What is evolution,
During evolution when do changes ...,
What does natural selection act o...
29  cards
KA 2: evolution: fitness
What is fitness,
What is fitness a measure of,
Fitness refers to
10  cards
KA 2: evolution: co-evolution
What is co evolution,
A change in the traits of one spe...,
Where is co evolution frequently ...
11  cards
KA 3: variation and sexual reproduction: costs and benefits of sexual reproduction
Name and describe a cost of sexua...,
Benefits of sexual reproduction o...,
What does genetic variation provi...
19  cards
KA 3: variation and sexual reproduction: meiosis
What is meiosis,
How do chromosomes typically appe...,
What are homologus chromosomes
15  cards
KA 3: variation and sexual reproduction: sex determination
How is the sex of birds mammals a...,
What determines the development o...,
What do heterogametic xy males la...
16  cards
KA 4: sex and behaviour: parental investment
Which parent invests more,
Compare the sperm production to e...,
Describe female investment
11  cards
KA 4: sex and behaviour: reproductive behaviours and mating systems in animals
Whats the range of mating systems,
What are mating systems based on,
What is monogamy
19  cards
KA 5: parasitism: niche
What is an ecological niche,
What does a species occupy in the...,
When is a realised niche occupied
6  cards
KA 5: parasitism: parasite niche
What is parasitism,
A parasite gains,
What is the difference between th...
7  cards
KA 5: parasitism: parasitic life cycles
Many parasites require only,
Many parasites require,
What is the definitive host
16  cards
KA 5: parasitism: transmission and virulence
What is transmission,
What is virulence,
How are ectoparasites transmitted
9  cards
KA 5: parasitism: defence against parasitic attack
Describe immune response in mammals,
List non specific defences,
Describe the epithelial tisue block
17  cards
KA 5: parasitism: immune invasion
Parasites have,
How do endoparasites evade the im...,
What does antigenic variation in ...
5  cards
KA 5: parasitism: challenges in treatment and control
What is epidemiology,
What is the herd immunity threshold,
What do vaccines contain and what...
11  cards

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adv bio unit 2

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