This class was created by Brainscape user sofia king. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

KA1: laboratory techniques for biologists: health and safety
What can present a hazard in a lab,
What can hazards in the lab include,
What is risk
5  cards
KA1: laboratory techniques for biologists: liquids and solutions
Describe how to carry out linear ...,
Describe how to carry out a log d...,
How can unknown concentrations be...
6  cards
KA1: laboratory techniques for biologists: separation techniques
Describe the use of centrifugatio...,
What can paper and thin layer chr...,
16  cards
KA1: laboratory techniques for biologists: detecting proteins using antibodies
What are immunoassay techniques u...,
What do immunnoassay techniques use,
What is an antibody specific to t...
7  cards
KA1: laboratory techniques for biologists: microscopy
Describe the use of fluorescence ...,
Describe the use of bright field ...
2  cards
KA1: laboratory techniques for biologists: aseptic technique and cell culture
Define the term aseptic technique,
What does aseptic technique involve,
How can a microbial culture can b...
11  cards
KA2: Proteins: The proteome
What is the proteome,
Why is the proteome is larger tha...,
Not all genes are
7  cards
KA2: Proteins: The synthesis and transport of proteins
What do eukaryotic cells have and...,
Why do eukaryotes have a relative...,
Describe the structure of the end...
26  cards
KA2: Proteins: Protein structure, ligand binding and conformational change: Amino acid sequence determines protein structure
What are proteins,
What bonds link amino acids toget...,
Describe the basic structure of a...
28  cards
KA2: Proteins: Protein structure, ligand binding and conformational change: Ligand binding changes the conformation of a protein
Define the term ligand,
What do r groups not involved in ...,
Binding sites will have
23  cards
KA3: membrane proteins: movement of molecules across membranes
Describe the fluid mosaic model o...,
What do regions of hydrophobic r ...,
Describe the head region of the p...
25  cards
KA3: membrane proteins: ion transport pumps and generation of ion gradients
Define the term electrochemical g...,
What is a membrane potential,
When is a membrane potential created
14  cards
KA4: communication and signalling: co-ordination
Multicellular organisms signal be...,
Give examples of extracellular si...,
What are receptor molecules of ta...
7  cards
KA4: communication and signalling: hydrophobic signals and control of transcription
What can hydrophobic signalling m...,
What are the receptors for hydrop...,
What are transcription factors
8  cards
KA4: communication and signalling: hydrophilic signals and transduction
What do hydrophilic signalling mo...,
Give examples of hydrophilic extr...,
Describe the role of transmembran...
17  cards
KA4: communication and signalling: nerve impulse transmission: generation of nerve impulse
What is resting membrane potential,
What does the transmission of a n...,
Define the term action potential
14  cards
KA4: communication and signalling: nerve impulse transmission: Initiation of a nerve impulse in response to an environmental stimulus: the vertebrate eye
What is the retina what does the ...,
In animal cells the light sensiti...,
Describe how rod cells function
8  cards
KA5: protein control of cell division: the cytoskeleton and cell division
Describe the role of the cytoskel...,
Describe the structure of the cyt...,
What are microtubules what do the...
7  cards
KA5: protein control of cell division: the cell cycle
What does the cell cycle consist of,
Name the three stages of interphase,
Describe each phase of interphase
10  cards
KA5: protein control of cell division: control of the cell cycle
What is progression through the c...,
Describe the role of checkpoints,
What are the cyclin proteins that...
13  cards
KA5: protein control of cell division: control of programmed cell death (apoptosis)
What is apoptosis triggered by,
Give an example of an external de...,
Give an example of an internal de...
8  cards

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adv bio unit 1

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