adult health ll exam 4

This class was created by Brainscape user Shayia .D. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

Urothelial (Bladder) Cancer
What is the pathophysiology of ur...,
What are risk factors associated ...,
What are physical assessment sign...
17  cards
Breast Cancer
What is the pathophysiology of br...,
What are the common sites of brea...,
What are the types of noninvasive...
43  cards
Renal Cancer (Renal Cell Carcinoma)
What is the pathophysiology of re...,
What systematic effects occur wit...,
Why does a patient with renal can...
16  cards
Skin Cancer
What is the pathophysiology of sk...,
What are the risk factors associa...,
What are the different types of s...
7  cards
Testicular Cancer
What is the pathophysiology of te...,
What information should the nurse...,
What is included in the physical ...
11  cards
Prostate Cancer
What is the pathophysiology of pr...,
What risk factors are associated ...,
What needs to be taught to the pa...
21  cards
Endometrial Cancer
What is the pathophysiology of en...,
What signs and symptoms are assoc...,
What labs are done
8  cards
Ovarian Cancer
What is the pathophysiology of br...,
What risk factors are associated ...,
What is associated in the assessment
6  cards
Heat Exhaustion
What is the pathophysiology of he...,
What can cause heat exhaustion,
What can happen if untreated
7  cards
Heat Stroke
What is the pathophysiology of he...,
What are some assessment findings...,
What happens to body temperature
14  cards
Lightning Injuries
What is the pathophysiology of li...,
What is all included in the asses...,
What can be taught to the patient...
6  cards
What is the pathophysiology of hy...,
What are common predisposing cond...,
What are mild signs and symptoms
7  cards
What is the pathophysiology of fr...,
What are some findings the nurse ...,
What is grade 1 frostbite
8  cards
Drowning (Near Drowning)
What is the pathophysiology of dr...,
What points should be taught to t...,
What should be assessed expected ...
6  cards
Cardiac Conduction System
What does conduction begin with,
Where is the sinoatrial node located,
What is the sinoatrial nodes resp...
18  cards
Normal Cardiac Rhythms/ Electrocardiographic Analysis
What criteria does a normal sinus...,
What are sinus arrhythmias,
What complexes make up a normal ecg
21  cards
Sinus Dysrhythmias
What is the pathophysiology of si...,
What does it when a patient is si...,
In what instances is increased sy...
25  cards
Atrial Dysrhythmias (Premature Atrial Contraction & Atrial Fibrillation)
What is a premature atrial comple...,
What are some causes of atrial ir...,
What conditions may result in pre...
32  cards
Supraventricular Tachycardia
What is the pathophysiology of su...,
What are some causes of supravent...,
What are signs and symptoms of su...
4  cards
Atrial Flutter
0  cards
Junctional Rhythms
0  cards
Dilated Cardiomyopathy
1  cards
Restrictive Cardiomyopathy
1  cards
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
0  cards

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adult health ll exam 4

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