accounting and finance for managers

This class was created by Brainscape user Eleanor Jones. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Raising Finance - Lecture 1b, 2a
2 characteristics of a limited co...,
What is corporate entity,
What is limited liability
43  cards
The Regulatory Framework - Lecture 2b
Benefits of regulation,
Arguments against regulation,
How does mis information become m...
20  cards
Concepts, Conventions and Definitions - Lecture 3a
Accruals concept matching,
The consistency concept,
Going concern concept
19  cards
Revenue Recognition - Lecture 3b
Realisation concept states that,
Capital expenditure,
Revenue expenditure
13  cards
Income Statements - Lecture 4a
What does the term final accounts...,
What 4 documents form the final a...,
Income statement can also be know...
11  cards
Statement of Financial Position/ Balance Sheet - Lecture 4b
Definition of sfp,
What does a sfp do,
The accounting equation
18  cards
Interpretation of final accounts - 5a
What is profitability,
What is solvency,
What is efficiency
22  cards
Cash Flow Statement - Lecture 5b
Accruals statement states,
Why is depreciation added back on...,
Why is an increase in receivables...
8  cards
Role of the Audit - Lecture 6a
Definition of auditing from ameri...,
What does assertion mean,
Who are the individuals organisation
22  cards
Financial Planning/ Cash Budgets - Lecture 6b
What is financial planning,
What is scenario analysis,
What is sensitivity analysis
13  cards
Non-cash Budgets - Lecture 7a
What should a budget inform staff of,
What is a budget,
6 functions of budgets
21  cards
Flexed Budgets and Variances - Lecture 7b
What is budgetary control based on,
Why do variations from budgets occur,
Flexed budget formula
17  cards
Overheads and full costing - Lecture 8a
What is a fixed cost,
What is a variable cost,
What is a semi variable cost
14  cards
Marginal Costing and Decision Making - Lecture 8b
What is marginal activity,
When can we ignore fixed costs,
Special order problem
7  cards
Capital investment appraisal - Lecture 9a
Net present value method,
Payback method,
Internal rate of return method
10  cards

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accounting and finance for managers

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