abeka science yr 3 - exploring god's world

This class was created by Brainscape user Katie Donovan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (10)

Ch 1. Wonderfully Made
Which system helps you see hear f...,
What are the three main parts of ...,
What does your brain do
65  cards
Ch 2. Exploring the Plant World
What provides food for all living...,
Name two ways we depend upon plan...,
What kind of plants form seeds
35  cards
Ch 3. Exploring the World of Vertebrates
Name two ways that animals are di...,
Into what two groups are animals ...,
What do we call animals with back...
21  cards
Ch 4 - Exploring the World of Invertebrates
What do we call animals without b...,
What are five ways invertebrates ...,
What might happen to an invertebr...
39  cards
Ch 5 - Exploring the Desert
How often does it rain in the desert,
How do plants get water in the de...,
Name some desert animals and tell...
11  cards
Ch 6 - Exploring the Ocean
What is the science of studying t...,
What do we call scientists who st...,
The earth has almost how many tim...
31  cards
Ch 7 - Exploring the Pond
What is a community,
What kind of community,
Why do plants grow easily around ...
37  cards
Ch 8 - Exploring the Forest
The forest community lives around...,
How does the sapsucker depend on ...,
How has god designed the balance ...
24  cards
Ch 9 - Exploring the Farmer's Field
True or false all fields are alike,
What do we call the top layer of ...,
What do we call the layer of soil...
19  cards
Ch 10 - Exploring the Weather
What is weather,
What is the layer of air that sur...,
What three things cause weather
37  cards

More about
abeka science yr 3 - exploring god's world

  • Class purpose General learning

Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Katie Donovan's Abeka Science Yr 3 - Exploring God's World flashcards for their Homeschool class now!

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