This class was created by Brainscape user Simba Singh. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

What are the main layers of the a...,
Below the umbilicus what are the ...,
What are the differences between ...
37  cards
ANATOMY OF- The Inguinal Canal
What is the function of the ingui...,
What structure forms the roof of ...,
24  cards
ANATOMY- The Stomach
What structures sit in front of t...,
What structures sit behind the st...,
What separates the stomach from t...
19  cards
At what spinal level are the kidn...,
Why is the right kidney located l...,
What are the posterior relations ...
23  cards
What are the three main parts of ...,
At what level does the abdominal ...,
At what level does the common ili...
14  cards
ANATOMY- Bladder
What structures are anterior to t...,
What structures are superior to t...,
What structures are found posteri...
15  cards
ANATOMY- The Pudendal Nerve
Where does the pudendal nerve com...,
Describe the course of the pudend...,
What other structures accompany t...
15  cards
ANATOMY- The Urethra and Prostate
What are the 3 parts of the male ...,
What part of the male urethra is ...,
What part of the male urethra is ...
28  cards
ANATOMY- The Spleen
What are the functions of the spleen,
What is the arterial supply of th...,
Where does the splenic artery com...
26  cards
ANATOMY- The Pancreas
What is the surface anatomy of th...,
What spinal level is the transpyl...,
Transpyloric plane
39  cards
ANATOMY- The Oesophagus
At what spinal level does the oes...,
In the neck what structures lie a...,
In the neck what structures are f...
15  cards
ANATOMY- The Liver
What are the two anatomical secti...,
Anatomical liver lobes,
How is the liver differentiated d...
40  cards
ANATOMY- The Gallbladder
What is the arterial supply of th...,
Where does the cystic artery come...,
What is the venous drainage of th...
8  cards

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abdomen anatomy

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Simba Singh's Abdomen Anatomy flashcards for their University of limerick class now!

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