This class was created by Brainscape user Charles Grant. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Class 1 Eye Surgery
What are the 3 layers of the eye ...,
Name the some features of the sclera,
Most focus power of the eye comes...
53  cards
Class 2 ENT
What is a frequent problem associ...,
Most ear anesthesia is delivered how,
What are the main sensory ear nerves
52  cards
Class 3 Obesity and Burns
Describe the 4 degrees of burns,
Which burn chart is most accurate...,
How is burn mortality estimated
19  cards
Class 4 Transplant
What is needed to show loss of ce...,
What is needed to show loss of br...,
What are some supporting studies ...
47  cards
Class 5 Anesthesia for Theraputics
What is the maximum radiation exp...,
Why older contrast dye harmful wh...,
What are some predisposing factor...
50  cards
Class 6 Local Anesthetics
What do local anesthetics do,
What portion of the chemical stru...,
How are the chemical structures o...
65  cards
Class 7 Spinal Anatomy
What allows for passage of nerves...,
How do colapsed discs affect spin...,
What bony structure overlaps each...
58  cards
Class 8 Peripheral Nerves
What does the cervical plexus inn...,
What are the indications for cerv...,
In the brachial plexus how many r...
65  cards
Class 9 Spinals and Epidurals
What is the benefit of using a st...,
Name the 4 types of spinal needles,
Name the 3 types of epidural needles
69  cards
Class 10 Upper Extremity Blocks
Where does the positive red and n...,
What procedures can a superficial...,
Where should a superficial cervic...
40  cards
Lower Extremity
Name the push pull pinch punt of ...,
The tibial nerve does what to the...,
What does the common perioneal do...
45  cards

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