a-level witchcraft

This class was created by Brainscape user Izzy Jolliffe. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (38)

How many cases were there in the ...,
What was the auto de fe,
In 1609 how many witches were sen...
23  cards
Did russia develop demonological ...,
What was the only evidence of dem...,
Was russia centralised or decentr...
8  cards
What did the total executions not...,
What hunts most finland be consid...,
When did finland hunt witches
22  cards
When did half the polish hunts occur,
What are the size of the hunts co...,
What can the severity of hunts in...
11  cards
Why was witch hunting in the bord...,
How many provincial courts were t...,
What were local witchcraft cases ...
17  cards
How many witches were estimated t...,
What switzerland centralised or d...,
What was switzerland s religious ...
5  cards
The Netherlands
How many witches were executed in...,
How earlier did netherlands end w...,
Was it centralised or decentralised
14  cards
Did germany belief in demonologic...,
Was germany centralised or decent...,
Where was the worst hunts in germany
9  cards
What was the main reason english ...,
Was england centralised or decent...,
What were the assize courts
8  cards
How centralised was scotland in c...,
How regularly was torture used,
What were the witch beliefs in sc...
9  cards
How many victims did salem accoun...,
Did salem believe in demonic cons...,
Who was salem in war with
11  cards
Who was the witch in 1661 and wha...,
What did ireland believe about wi...,
How large was witch hunts in ireland
6  cards
When did the large chain reaction...,
How many people were killed in 1544,
Was the idea of the sabbat accepted
10  cards
Who governed norway,
How large was norway hunts,
What is an example of religious i...
7  cards
When did the hunt begin,
Where did the hunt begin and wher...,
Why was the hunt unusual
14  cards
How many witch hunts happened in ...,
How often was torture used in hun...,
Were western views quickly accept...
5  cards
What were the witch beliefs in po...,
Why did demonic witch beliefs not...,
How did judicial control help to ...
3  cards
What were the beliefs in witches,
What were the reasons for the lac...,
How centralised was italy
5  cards
What was the nature of witch beli...,
Why did spain lack beliefs in dia...,
Where can the evidence of central...
6  cards
How many new englanders were indi...,
How many of the new englanders we...,
What was the population in salem
51  cards
East Anglia 1645-47
What was the estimated number of ...,
How much was hopkins and stearne fee,
What did hopkins and stearne clai...
61  cards
Where is chelmsford,
When did the chelmsford trials ta...,
Who was accused
10  cards
How did the witches of warboys begin,
Who did jane receive a visit from,
What did janes father then do
5  cards
Who were the witches that were ac...,
Who did joan and her daughters wo...,
Were the girls popular
9  cards
When were the trials,
Who were the accused witches,
Who gave evidence against elizabe...
15  cards
What did gothenburg s most religi...,
What did the religious official a...,
What did margaretha horberin claim
7  cards
When did the trials occur,
Who were the hunts under,
Centralised or decentralised terr...
6  cards
Lutheran beliefs of nordlingen,
How many inhabitants,
Autonomous state of nordingen
9  cards
When were the hunts,
What did the university of ingold...,
Who was in charge
10  cards
Who was it instigated by,
Who was drench,
Who did dernbach commission
7  cards
How many inhabitants,
How was augsburg bi confessional,
When did they execute someone for...
4  cards
How many people were women,
Who was the prince bishop,
What did julius want to do
25  cards
When were the trier hunts,
Socio economic causes of trier,
How did impetus from below cause ...
13  cards
Who was the 1st prince bishop,
What did aschhausen do,
How many trials happened after as...
25  cards
Important Background Information
When was the peasants war,
What was the peasants war,
When did the peasants war affect ...
8  cards
Decline - judicial control
How did judicial control decrease...,
How did judicial control decrease...,
How did judicial control decrease...
18  cards
Important random info
Who was ursula gotz,
Who s behringer,
When was the malleus malificarum ...
4  cards
Who was the first person accused ...,
Why did maots be accused of witch...,
How many victims on the hunts wer...
11  cards

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a-level witchcraft

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