This class was created by Brainscape user layane adel. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (27)

How does the sensory memory code 3,
What is the capacity of our senso...,
What is the duration of the senso...
59  cards
What are the 2 main functions of ...,
What is the human nervous system ...,
Explain the components of the per...
82  cards
research methods
What are aims developed from 1,
We have a theory that energy drin...,
What is an aim 2
210  cards
approaches knowledge gaps
Behaviorist approach ao1 points 5,
Which type of behaviour does the ...,
Describe the research done by pav...
43  cards
Biopsychology - Knowledge gaps
2  cards
biopsychology: ways of studying the brain
1describe how brain investigation...,
What are the 4 ways of studying t...,
State and define the 2 techniques...
12  cards
biopsychology: endogenous pacemakers and exogenous Zeitgebers
Define the term endogenous pacema...,
Name 2 endogenous pacemakers 2,
Descirbe how the scn works
10  cards
Biopsychology: Biological rhythms
Define the term biological rhythms,
State and describe are the types ...,
Give an example of a circadian rh...
23  cards
Biopsychology: the nervous system
What are the 2 main functions of ...,
Describe the overall structure of...,
Describe the structure and functi...
6  cards
Forensic psychology : offender profiling
The top down approach ao1 points,
Top down approach offender profiling,
Top down approach ao1 top down ap...
17  cards
Forensic Psychology: biological explanations
Genetic explanations ao1 points,
Genetic explanations,
Genetic explanations candidate ge...
8  cards
Attachment - knowledge gaps
Define the term reciprocity 2,
Define the term interactional syn...,
Who conducted research into recir...
23  cards
attachment - animal studies
Descrbe the sample size of lorenz...,
Describe the finsings of lorenz s...,
What was lorenz able to conclude ...
8  cards
attachment - learning theories to explain attachment
Learning theory to explain attach...,
Secondary drive hypothesis 3,
Classical conditioning 5
6  cards
explaining attachment - bowlbys monotropic theory
Ao1 points 6,
Evolutionary theory ao1 1,
Adaptive advantage ao1 2
8  cards
cultural variations in attachment
Who conducted cultural variations...,
Describe the procedure of ijzendo...,
Van ijzendoorn and kroonenberg fi...
9  cards
types of attachment
Ao1 points,
Development aim and features of s...,
Procedure 5 categories to judge a...
8  cards
psychopathology - phobias
What are the behavioural characte...,
Describe and explain the emotiona...,
Describe and explain the cognitiv...
12  cards
psychopathology - OCD
Describe explain the behavioral c...,
Describe explain the emotional ch...,
Describe and explain the cognitiv...
13  cards
Psychopathology - depression
Describe and explain the behavior...,
Describe explain emotional charac...,
Describe explain the cognitive ch...
19  cards
attachment - Bowlby's theory of maternal deprivation
Theory of maternal deprivation ao...,
Ao1 seperation vs deprivation 2,
Theory ao1 critical period 2
6  cards
attachment - research into effects of maternal deprivation in development
Bowlby s 44 thieves procedure 3,
Bowlby s 44 thieves findings conc...,
Bowlby s 44 thieves evaluation
3  cards
attachment - romanian orphan studies - institutionalisation
What are the effects of instituti...,
Name the research and the reasear...,
Rutter s era aim
11  cards
attachment - effects of early attachment on later attachments
Influence of early attachments on...,
Ao1 internal working model 3,
Ao1 relationships in later childh...
6  cards
Memory - coding, capacity and duration of STM
Define the term coding,
Define the term capacity,
Define the term duration
13  cards
Memory - coding, capacity and duration of LTM
Who conducted research into ltm a...,
Describe the procedure findings a...,
Decribe the procedure findings an...
5  cards
Memory - types of LTM
What are the 3 types of ltm,
Ao1 episodic memories 5,
Semantic memories 5
5  cards

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a - level psychology

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