a level history, tsarist and communist russia

This class was created by Brainscape user Qasim Shah. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Febuary mock
When was nkvd order 00447,
How many died from nkvd order 004...,
How many died from nkvd order 004...
56  cards
Labour 1970s
What was the balance of payment d...,
What year did wilson negotiate th...,
Who was wilsons chancellor
23  cards
Who were the dries in thatcher s ...,
Who was a wet in thatcher s gover...,
What was the westland affair
16  cards
What did max stirner say about pe...,
What is egoism,
What do anarchists think about po...
19  cards
Politics unit 2
What 4 things did blairs constitu...,
When was the human rights act and...,
What are 3 features of a presiden...
33  cards
What is antithesis,
What is anaphora,
What is a caesura
7  cards
Dolls house
Is that my twittering out there w...,
Still it was really fun sitting t...,
Nora darling you re dancing as if
7  cards
Thatcher Economy question
What was inflation in 1979 and in...,
What was the unemployment rate in...,
What was the unemployment rate in...
22  cards
Miners strikes
When was the country declared a s...,
When was the 3 day week
2  cards
Russia economy
When was sergei witte finance min...,
What had the production of iron a...,
What was the growth rate in the 1...
23  cards
Socialism ideology
What is socialist view on human n...,
What is a socialist view on human...,
What is the socialist view on hum...
35  cards
History Britain 50s
When was food rationing ended,
By 1955 was full employment achie...,
In the run up to the 1955 electio...
41  cards
Liberalism politics
What is liberals general view on ...,
What is the harm principle,
What is the social contract
30  cards
How do conservatives view human n...,
What did hobbes say about the con...,
What did hobbes believe about power
28  cards
When did japan launch a surprise ...,
What was the reaction to the russ...,
What opposition came from the rus...
16  cards
How many muslim tartars were conv...,
How many jews were there in the 1...,
What are 3 restrictions that alex...
28  cards
Who became director general of bb...,
What did hugh greene do when appo...,
What channel was the first to bro...
61  cards
What was a key reason for major b...,
Why did major win a lot of respec...,
Within a few months of winning th...
46  cards
What did labours pledge card say ...,
What did labours pledge card say ...,
What did labours pledge card say ...
106  cards

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a level history, tsarist and communist russia

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