a level business theme 2

This class was created by Brainscape user Ralf Hilario. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

2.1.1 - Internal Finance
What are 4 reasons for raising fi...,
What are 3 methods of internal fi...,
What is owners capital
11  cards
2.1.2 - External Finance
What is the difference between a ...,
What are 6 sources of finance,
What are the 2 advantages of the ...
38  cards
What is limited liability 2 examples,
What is unlimited liability,
What are 3 advanatges and 1 disad...
8  cards
2.1.4 - PLANNING
What are 4 reasons why a business...,
What is included in a business plan,
What are the 4 main purposes of a...
6  cards
What is sales forecasting,
What are 3 purposes of sales fore...,
What are 3 factors that affect sa...
6  cards
What is the formula for sales volume,
What is the formula for sales rev...,
What are fixed costs 1 example
6  cards
2.2.3 - BREAK EVEN
What is break even,
What is contribution,
What is the formula for contribution
8  cards
2.2.4 - BUDGETS
What is a budget,
What are 4 purpose of budgets,
What are 2 types of budgets
12  cards
2.3.1 - PROFIT
What is profit,
What is the formula for profit,
What is the formula for gross profit
11  cards
What is liquidity,
What is a balance sheet,
What is the formula to calculate ...
14  cards
What is peer to peer lending,
What are 2 benefits of peer to pe...,
How do you find the closing balan...
15  cards
2.3.3 Business Failure
Definition business failure,
What are 5 internal causes of bus...,
How is lack of planning an intern...
10  cards
2.4.2 - Capacity Utilisation
What is capacity utilisation,
What is capacity utilisation formula,
Reasons for poor capacity utilisa...
9  cards
2.4.1 Production, Productivity and Efficiency
Define production,
What are the 4 methods,
State what job production is
28  cards
2.4.3 - Stock Control (USE GOOGLEDOCS FOR DIAGRAM)
Define stock control,
Interpretation of stock control d...,
Interpretation of stock control d...
3  cards
2.4.4 - Quality Management
Define quality,
What is quality control,
What is quality assurance
18  cards
2.5.1 - Economic Influences
Define economic influence,
State 5 effects on businesses of ...,
Explain effect on business change...
11  cards
2.5.2 - Legislation
0  cards
2.5.3 - The Competitive Environment
0  cards

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a level business theme 2

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A Level Business Theme 2
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