This class was created by Brainscape user Aaron Golding. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Session 25 - organisational design
Give 3 reasons to have an organis...,
Describe the hierarchy organisati...,
Describe the delegation organisat...
12  cards
Session 28 - leadership
Define job rotation,
Define job enlargement,
Define job enrichment
9  cards
Random Q’s
What is meant by the term motivation,
State 2 reasons why motivation is...,
Briefly state what taylor s motiv...
21  cards
Session 27 - financial vs non - financial motivation
List financial methods of motivat...,
What is financial motivation,
What is non financial motivation
11  cards
Session 30 - Entrepreneurial motives and characteristics
What is an entrepreneur,
Why are entrepreneurs important f...,
List entrepreneur characteristics
16  cards
Session 31 - business objectives
What are business aims,
What are business objectives,
What does smart objectives stand for
4  cards
Session 32 - legal structures
What is a franchise,
What is a franchisee,
What is a franchiser
16  cards
Session 29 - Entrepreneur
Place each of the following stage...,
What is the idea phase of startin...,
What is the research phase of sta...
14  cards
Session 6 and 7 - Orientation and research
Define marketing,
What is a market orientated approach,
What is a product orientated appr...
14  cards
Session 8 - market mapping and segmentation
Define market segmentation,
4 ways to segment are,
Examples of demographic segmentat...
10  cards
Session 14 - the design mix
What are the 4 ps of the marketin...,
What 3 elements does the product ...,
What does the function element of...
8  cards
Session 17 - pricing strategies
What are the 6 main pricing strat...,
What is cost plus pricing,
What are the 2 ways to do cost pl...
11  cards
Session 19 - product life cycle and the boston matrix
Define product life cycle,
Give a description of the researc...,
Give a description of the launch ...
21  cards
Session 11 - supply
Define supply,
Influences on supply,
What does ptisc stand for
12  cards
What is the formula for sales rev...,
What is the formula for profit,
What is the formula for average v...
8  cards
Session 37 - sales forecasting
What does sales forecasting close...,
Define sales forecasting,
What is the purpose of sales fore...
6  cards
Session 38 - sales, revenue and costs
What factors make up finance,
What is revenue,
What is costs
16  cards
Session 41 and 42 - profit
What is the formula for gross profit,
What is the formula for operating...,
What is the formula for net profi...
7  cards

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a level business

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