a level biology flashcards

This class was created by Brainscape user Yasmine Diab. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

What is the nuclear envelope,
What do nuclear pores do,
What do chromosomes consist of
87  cards
Biological molecules
What is the importance of water,
What is metabolism,
How are polymers formed
98  cards
Biology cells and microscopy exam questions
Why can a light microscope not vi...,
Describe the role of a named orga...,
How does dna differ in chloroplas...
27  cards
Required practical 4 - investigating permeability of cell membranes
What is the independent variable,
Why is beetroot usually used in t...,
Why are color standards used in t...
16  cards
Cells part 2
How does the skin act as a defenc...,
How are the breathing and digesti...,
How is the stomach adapted for de...
13  cards
Biological molecules part 2
Can you draw the general structur...,
Can you draw alpha and beta glucose,
Can you draw basic structure of t...
15  cards
Biology a level flashcards spec distilled
What are the components found wit...,
What are the functions of the nuc...,
What are the two types of endplas...
19  cards
Biology exam questions flashcards - cells and immunity
Describe how hiv is replicated,
What formula connects mass concen...,
Suggest and explain two further i...
9  cards
Mass transport in animals exam questions
Give the pathway a red blood cell...,
Suggest two ways the student coul...,
Tissue fluid is formed from blood...
6  cards
Gas exchange practise questions
Suggest and explain how a reduced...,
C figure 2 shows changes in conce...,
A high concentration of particula...
4  cards
digestion flashcards exam qs
Describe the processes involved i...,
Describe the role of micelles in ...
2  cards
mass transport in plants exam qs
The mass flow hypothesis is used ...,
A different student used coloured...,
The student used a sharp scalpel ...
5  cards
genetics exam questions
Describe two differences between ...,
In a eukaryotic cell the structur...,
Describe how one amino acid is ad...
7  cards
Biology exam questions - biological molecules
Describe a biochemical test to sh...,
A student carried out the benedic...,
Lactulose is a disaccharide forme...
13  cards
cells exam questions
Describe and explain how centrifu...,
Describe how you could use cell f...
7  cards

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a level biology flashcards

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