This class was created by Brainscape user Zach Add. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (48)

Within multicellular organisms no...,
What is the cell cycle,
Three stage of the cell cycle
7  cards
It is at some point during the g1...,
The gap between the previous cell...,
3  cards
Interphase (s phase
This phase of the interphase stag...,
How long is the s phase,
What happens in s phase
4  cards
Interphase (g2
Between the s phase and the next ...,
Other preparations for cell divis...,
Interphase order
4  cards
What does cytokinesis follow,
Once the nucleus has divided into...,
In animal cells cytokinesis invol...
5  cards
Mitosis nuclear division follows ...,
Referred to as the m phase the m ...,
Cell growth during the m phase
12  cards
Mitosis: The Stages
Mitosis is the process of,
Although mitosis is in reality on...,
3  cards
Prophase mitosis
What happens to chromosomes in pr...,
The chromosomes consist of that a...,
Centromere meaningand how is it v...
10  cards
Metaphase mitosis
Centrosomes in mitosis it helps i...,
Spindle fibres protein microtubul...,
Chromosomes line up at the
6  cards
The sister chromatids separate at...,
Spindle fibres protein microtubul...,
The separated sister chromatids n...
4  cards
Chromosomes arrive at opposite an...,
Nuclear envelopes nuclear membran...,
The spindle fibres
4  cards
How to recognise each stage of mitosis
5  cards
Required Practical: Identifying Mitotic Stages
Growth in plants occurs in specif...,
The root tip meristem can be used...,
In the root tip meristem there is...
12  cards
Limitation of mitosis practical
The preparation of tissue for mic...,
The size of cells or structures o...,
Optical microscopes do not have t...
7  cards
Uncontrolled Cell Division & Cancer
Cancerous cells divide repeatedly...,
Cancers demonstrate how important...,
Cancers start when changes occur ...
14  cards
Cancer treatments
Almost half of all people with ca...,
P53 gene helps to,
However there are also many other...
10  cards
benign tumor and maliganant
How quick do they grow,
Are they capsulated,
4  cards
Binary fission
The process of cell division bina...,
They have a single circular dna m...,
Binary fission is substantially d...
8  cards
Viral Particle Replication
Viruses are,
They are much smaller than prokar...,
Viruses are relatively simple in ...
13  cards
Binary fission vs Mitosis
Binary fission occurs in unicellu...,
During binary fission the prokary...,
In binary fission there are no sp...
5  cards
Phagocytes are produced,
Phagocytes are stored in before b...,
Phagocytes are responsible for
6  cards
Neutrophils travel throughout the...,
During an infection they are rele...,
How long do neutrophils live
9  cards
Lysosomes are and what are the en...,
The phagocytic vacuole formed aro...,
A lysosome fuses with the membran...
6  cards
How do macrophages size and life ...,
Rather than remaining in the bloo...,
After being produced in the bone ...
7  cards
Cell recognition
Our bodies have several defence m...,
Inflammation swelling and heating...,
Recognising foreign cells and tar...
11  cards
Antigensevery cell in the human b...,
Antigens are found on,
Antigens can be either
13  cards
key word
Non specific immune response,
Specific immune response,
Dont use word remember use recogn...
3  cards
Antibodies are what type of proteins,
Antibody what protein structure w...,
Each polypeptide chain has a creg...
14  cards
Antigen-Antibody Complex
An antigen and its complementary ...,
When an antibody collides randoml...,
When an antibody collides randoml...
7  cards
Diagnostic uses of monoclonal antibodies
Monoclonal antibodies can be used...,
2  cards
Monoclonal antibodies
Monoclonal antibodies,
Functions of monoclonal antibodies,
Howe do monoclonal antibodies tre...
5  cards
Hybridoma method to make antibodies
Step 1 is a mouse or another mamm...,
Step 2 spleen cells which are,
Step 3 the spleen cells are fused...
5  cards
Human immunodeficiency virus is a...,
The virus is unable to survive ou...,
The hiv virus is made up of sever...
5  cards
replication of hiv
Step 1 when the virus enters the ...,
Normally lymphocytes seek out and...,
The virus uses the cell machinery...
5  cards
The T Lymphocyte Response
Lymphocytes are another type of,
Lymphocytes are another type of w...,
They are smaller than phagocytest...
14  cards
The Role of Antigen-Presenting Cells
T lymphocytes produce an immune r...,
An antigen presenting cell is one...,
What does an antigen presenting c...
6  cards
The Role of Helper T cells
Activated t lymphocytes those tha...,
Helper t cells assist other,
Helper t cells assist other white...
7  cards
The B lymphocyte Response
B lymphocytes and the,
B lymphocytes b cells remain in t...,
Millions of types of b lymphocyte...
8  cards
Primary immune response
When an antigen enters the body f...,
As these clones divide repeatedly...,
Some of these b lymphocytes becom...
5  cards
Plasma & Memory Cells
During an immune response b lymph...,
Memory cells form the basis of,
There are two types of immune res...
7  cards
A vaccine is a,
A specific immune response where,
There are two main types of vacci...
9  cards
Live attenuated vaccines
Live attenuated vaccines contain,
These weakened pathogens multiply...,
These vaccines tend to produce a imm
6  cards
Inactivated vaccines
Inactivated vaccines contain,
As inactivated vaccines do not co...,
However these vaccines do not tri...
6  cards
Herd Immunity
Herd immunity arises when a,
Herd immunity protects people who,
The proportion of the population ...
3  cards
Eradicating disease
It has also been difficult to era...,
Eradicating disease presents a ch...,
Remember vaccines trigger the pri...
3  cards
Types of Immunity
Active immunity is acquired when,
Active immunity is naturally acqu...,
What cells are produced in active...
10  cards
comparison of immunity types
Differences in active and passive...,
Active passive immunity example,
5  cards
Immediately after infection with ...,
This is detrimental as helper t c...,
When an individual can no longer ...
9  cards

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a level biology cells

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