This class was created by Brainscape user Anna Wiggins. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Carbohydrates - Biological Molecules
What elements do carbohydrates co...,
What is the general formula of ca...,
What are the types of carbohydrates
47  cards
What is the magnification equation,
What units should you calculate m...,
How does a light microscope work
10  cards
What are the properties of viruses,
Describe the structure of a virus,
What does the capsid do
4  cards
Lipids - Biological Molecules
Describe the emulsion test for li...,
What elements do lipids contain,
Are lipids soluble
31  cards
Proteins - Biological Molecules
What elements do proteins contain,
Describe the test for proteins,
Give examples of protein functions
25  cards
Diffusion definition,
What is the net movement of parti...,
What is a concentration gradient ...
13  cards
Cell Membranes
Where are plasma membranes found,
What are the functions of a plasm...,
What is the difference between a ...
15  cards
Osmosis definition,
What is water potential,
What is wp measured in
17  cards
Enzymes - Biological Molecules
What are enzymes,
What do enzymes do,
What is a catalyst
25  cards
ATP - Adenosine Triphosphate
How is atp used to release energy,
What is atp,
What is adenosine and adenosine d...
15  cards
Active Transport
What is active transport,
What are the adaptions of cells t...,
What are the role of carrier prot...
9  cards
Water And Inorganic Ions
Where are inorganic ions found,
What are the features of inorgani...,
Iron ions
14  cards
Cell Division
What are the 3 phases within inte...,
What is interphase,
What are the stages of the cell c...
24  cards
Genetic Diversity
What are differences in species d...,
What are differences within speci...,
What is genetic diversity
9  cards

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a-level biology

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