This class was created by Brainscape user Rejoice Chinjekure. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Biological Molecules - Carbohydrates and Lipids
Define monomerss,
Define polymers,
Name 3 types of monosacharide
25  cards
Biological molecules - Proteins and Enzymes
What is the function of haemoglob...,
What is the function of antibodie...,
18  cards
Biological molecules - Nucleic acids and DNA Replication
Structure of dna nucleotide,
Structure of rna nucleotide,
What bond forms to join nucleotid...
11  cards
Biological molecules - ATP, Inoganic Ions and Water
Structure of atp,
Name 3 differences between atp an...,
What enzyme hydrolyses atp
18  cards
Cell Structure - Cell Structure
Define the term eukaryotic,
Define the term prokaryotic,
Identify animal plant algal funga...
21  cards
Cell Structure - All cells arise from other cells
Define the term homologous chromo...,
Define the term diploid,
Define the term haploid
19  cards
Cell Structure - Cell membranes
Why is the cell membrane structur...,
What is the role of glycoproteins,
What is the role of glycolipids
34  cards
Cell Structure - Cell Recognition And The Immune System
Describe what is meant by an antigen,
State which cells and molecules e...,
Describe the process of phagocytosis
26  cards
Exchange - Surface Area To Volume Ratio And Gas Exchange
Explain why large multicellular o...,
Explain how exchange surfaces are...,
Describe gas exchange in a single...
24  cards
Exchange - Digestion And Absorption
What types of enzymes are needed ...,
Which enzyme breaks down maltose ...,
Which enzyme breaks down lactose ...
16  cards
Exchange - Mass Transport In Animals
What is the evidence that haemogl...,
What is made when haemoglobin com...,
Explain the term partial pressure
32  cards
Exchange - Mass Transport In Plants
How do water molecules stick toge...,
State what is meant by transpiration,
Explain the cohesion tension theory
15  cards
Genetic information and relationships - DNA & Protein synthesis
Define the term gene,
What is the gene locus,
What is an intron
28  cards
Genetic Information And Reltionships - Meiosis And Mutation
Chromosome definition,
Gene definition,
Allele definition
32  cards
Genetic Information And Relationships - Genetic Diversity And Adaptation
What is meant by genetic diversity,
What is meant by allele frequency,
What are two important things tha...
9  cards

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a-level biology

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