_physiology exam 5

This class was created by Brainscape user Anita Maxwynn. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (10)

4/8: I - Body Fluids
What is essential for homeostasis,
Water in,
Electrolytes in
67  cards
4/8: II - Urinary System
What does the renal system regulate,
What does the renal system excrete,
How does the kidnet match input
73  cards
4/11: III - Glomerular Filtration
What is glomerular filtration rate,
How often is entire plasma volume...,
How does gfr occur
65  cards
4/11: III - Glomerular Apparatus (JGA)
What does the jga mediate,
What is the jga composed of,
Describe jg cells
29  cards
4/11: IV - Tubular Reabsorption and Secretion
What goes through tubular reabsor...,
What gets reabsorbed in tubular r...,
What is poorly reabsorbed in tubu...
81  cards
4/15: V - Regulation of Tubular Reabsorption
What is regulation of tubular rea...,
What is tubular reabsorption cont...,
How can reabsorption be adjusted
55  cards
4/15: VI - Urine Concentration and Dilution
What is the normal function of ec...,
What happens to h2o and na via diet,
How is h2o and na lost
38  cards
4/16: Regulation of Extracellular Fluid Volume and Osmolarity
What happens if ecf volume is high,
What happens if ecf osmolarity is...,
Describe this
44  cards
4/18: Renal Regulation of Potassium Secretion and Diuretics
Describe the regulation of potassium,
Where is the regulation of potass...,
What are mechanisms controlling k...
65  cards
4/19: Renal Regulation of Potassium and Diuretics
What and why is highly regulated,
What are ph s of normal arterial ...,
What are sources of hydrogen gain
28  cards

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_physiology exam 5

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