91562 health and homeostasis 1

This class was created by Brainscape user Krittika P. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Anatomical Direction
When we think about standard anat...,
What do we mean by directional terms,
What does superior cranial mean
5  cards
What is biochemistry,
Complete the sentence all chemica...,
Inorganic compounds include
49  cards
Cardiovascular System - Cells, Tissues, Anatomical Directions, Body Cavities (Pearson MyLab & Mastering A&P)
The superior chambers of the hear...,
Identify the correct sequence of ...,
During pulmonary circulation bloo...
63  cards
Cells are the _______ unit of lif...,
A cell is,
How well the entire organism func...
16  cards
Gastrointestinal System (Pearson MyLab & Mastering A&P)
The propulsive function that occu...,
The _________ is the first segmen...,
When we ingest large molecules su...
47  cards
Medical Terminology
What is a prefix,
What is a suffix,
Prefixes that indicate colour inc...
11  cards
Musculoskeletal System (Pearson MyLab & Mastering A&P)
Which of the following is not a d...,
The quadriceps femoris is compose...,
Which of the following is a hamst...
21  cards
Nervous System (Pearson MyLab & Mastering A&P)
Which of the following is the cor...,
At age 79 mrs x is diagnosed with...,
Which of the neuroglial cell type...
36  cards
Pharmacology & Pharmacokinetics (Pearson MyLab & Mastering A&P)
Which of the following schedules ...,
Which one of the following is tru...,
Which of the following involves t...
20  cards
Respiratory System (Pearson MyLab & Mastering A&P)
The major nonelastic source of re...,
The most powerful respiratory sti...,
Which respiratory associated musc...
54  cards
The Human Body
What a,
Re the,
What body systems are missing int...
23  cards

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91562 health and homeostasis 1

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