8th: science semester 2

This class was created by Brainscape user Not Here. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (65)

U2L1 The Atmosphere
What is the definition of atmosphere,
What is the first layer of the at...,
Which layer is closest to the ear...
70  cards
U2L2 Continents and Climate
What happens to visible light whe...,
What is the definition of opaque,
What happens to electromagnetic e...
32  cards
U2L3 Oceans and Climate
What is a similar pattern corresp...,
How can a body of water change th...,
The light that reaches the earth ...
35  cards
U2L4 Ocean Currents
What are surface currents what ar...,
Surface currents form ____ in eac...,
How do gyres flow in the northern...
24  cards
U2L4 Flashcards
Earth s _____ is made up of many ...,
Thunderstorms can be formed at a ...,
_____ are caused by wind blowing ...
19  cards
U2L5 Air Pressure and Weather
What are the scientists who fly i...,
What do hurricanes hunters do,
What do hurricane hunters use to ...
53  cards
U2L6 Climate Systems
What is the atmosphere,
What is the hydrosphere,
What is the geosphere
38  cards
U2L7 Weather Modeling
What are the 2 most used weather ...,
What is the definition of weather...,
What factors do meteorologists co...
25  cards
U2L7 Flashcards
A desert is covered with it own u...,
Differences in _______ are the ca...,
Thunderstorms can be formed at a ...
11  cards
U3L1 Carbon Cycle and the Ocean
When people eat plants animals th...,
What percentage of our body is ca...,
What percentage of carbon dioxide...
50  cards
U3L2 Climate Change Over Time
What happened during the great ox...,
How did the great oxygenation eve...,
What is the definition of feedback
23  cards
U3L3 Climate Change Tests
What much are the temperature ris...,
What is the definition of global ...,
What measurements do scientists u...
15  cards
U3L4 Atmosphere and Climate Change
Out of all the spheres in the atm...,
Why are polar bears being affecte...,
Carbon dioxide water vapor and me...
13  cards
U3L4 Flashcards
_______ like oil and coal are com...,
Organisms take in oxygen and rele...,
When two forces or processes are ...
15  cards
U3L4 Quiz
0  cards
U3L5 Greenhouse Gases and Ozone
What objects emit electromagnetic...,
How can the car become hotter tha...,
Temperatures near the surface of ...
48  cards
U3L7 Fossil Fuels and Cliamate Change
How do most power plants produce ...,
What is the definition of fossil ...,
About ____ percent of the energy ...
22  cards
U3L8 Industry and Climate Change
What is the definition of anthrop...,
How much of sun s energy reaches ...,
What percentage of radiated infra...
30  cards
U3L9 Impacts of Climate Change
Describe the cherry tree blooming...,
What is affected by claim the change,
How does temperature affect fish
13  cards
U3L10 Climate Change Unit Review
Why should a model of the carbon ...,
Which indicator would tell scient...,
Joshua trees cannot germinate and...
9  cards
U4L1 Rock and Mineral Properties
What is the definition of luster,
What is the definition of vitreous,
What is the hardness of a mineral
40  cards
U4L3 Mining Methods
What are the two main types if mi...,
What does surface mining involve,
What does underground mining involve
20  cards
U4L4 Land Reclamation
What is the definition of land re...,
What is the definition of mitigate,
What did the surface mining contr...
12  cards
U4L5 Health and Safety of Mining Methods
What happened at the copper mine ...,
What do hydraulic supports do in ...,
Why is coal dust an issue
12  cards
U4L6 Metal Resources
What is the definition of smelting,
How is bronze made,
What s good about copper
24  cards
U4L7 Impacts of Metal Resources (Quiz)
What is the definition of ores,
What are the 4 main types of mining,
What is the definition of alluvia...
16  cards
U4L7 Quiz
0  cards
U4L8 Metals and Minerals in Smart Devices I
What is the definition of rare ea...,
How many different elements are i...,
What part does lithium play in sm...
58  cards
U4L9 Metals and Minerals in Smart Devices II
Where does the majority of combat...,
How is combat used in phones,
Why is cobalt mining dangerous
18  cards
Unit 4 Practice
Why have most companies started t...,
Which ore s is aluminum mined from,
What ore is copper mined from
13  cards
U5L1 Changing Shorelines
What is beach erosion,
What are the 3 main causes of bea...,
How does the movement of waves an...
15  cards
U5L2 Shorelines Management Strategies
What is the dentition of beach er...,
What are some beach erosion manag...,
How are jetties and groins similar
18  cards
U5L3 Analyzing Shoreline Management Effectiveness
Where does the sand from beach no...,
What is the definition of dredge,
Why is beach nourishment so popul...
16  cards
U5L4 Farming Land Use
What is sustainable farming,
How is sustainable farming better...,
What is the definition of sustain...
23  cards
U5L5 Sustainable Farming Practices
What is happening to rainforests ...,
What is the definition of intercr...,
What is the definition of alley c...
23  cards
U5L7 Urban Greening
By 2050 the population of earth w...,
Where are green spaces typically ...,
What are green spaces
45  cards
U5L8 Flooding Impacts
What impacts do nearly all major ...,
What is the definition of socioec...,
Even if homes or places of busine...
26  cards
U5L9 Flood Mitigation Options
About 25 percent of flood insuran...,
What are flood mitigation techniques,
What steps do responsible homeown...
31  cards
U5L10 Flood Mitigation Management
What does the federal emergency m...,
When old flood mitigation strateg...,
What is the definition of flood m...
46  cards
U5L10 Quiz
Why is alley cropping considered ...,
How does implementing green space...,
A town s large sugar beet process...
7  cards
U5L11 Practice
What effects can erosion have on ...,
How do green roofs compare to tra...,
Why is beach nourishment consider...
5  cards
U6L1 Fossil Fuels
What is the definition of a non r...,
What is the most abundant fossil ...,
Coal is a hydrocarbon what is the...
59  cards
U6L2 Extraction and Processing of Fossil Fuels
Why is natural gas considered the...,
What is fracking fluid made up of,
What is fracking fluid used for
38  cards
U6L4 Impacts of Fossil Fuels
What are emissions,
How do power plants generate elec...,
How do cars trucks ships and plan...
37  cards
U6L5 Fossil Fuels and Humans
What is the definition of fossil ...,
What is the btu,
How has the use of coal in steel ...
20  cards
U6L6 Alternative Energy Resources
What is solar energy,
How do solar cells work,
Where are photovoltaic or solar c...
26  cards
U6L7 Alternative Energy Solutions
No matter the type of energy powe...,
What are capital costs,
What are operating costs
14  cards
U5L8 Energy Resource Unit Review (Practice)
Which of the following statements...,
Which of the following statements...,
What effect does melting sea ice ...
5  cards
U7L1 Water as a Resource
In 2017 the texas water developme...,
What is the definition of demand,
What is the definition of supply
19  cards
U7L2 Availability of Water
What percentage of earth is cover...,
Out of all the water that is on e...,
Out of all the fresh water on ear...
43  cards
U7L3 and L4 Water and Climate Change
I made a mistake ;-;
37  cards
U7L4 Quiz
Which of the following is a resul...,
Which of the following activities...,
Why did george washington support...
5  cards
U7L5 Water Resource Controversies
What is the benefit in private wa...,
How do privately owned water comp...,
Why do public water companies fac...
40  cards
U7L6 Global Water Rights
What is physical water scarcity,
What is the definition of economi...,
What is the definition of hydropower
14  cards
U7L7 Agriculture, Industry, and Water Resources
In 2015 how did thermoelectric po...,
How do industries affect water su...,
What are the two ways thermoelect...
32  cards
U7L7 Quiz
Which is the most prevalent sourc...,
Which of the following is an exam...,
Which of the following uses the l...
5  cards
U7L8 Unit Review (Practice)
Which of the following describes ...,
How can fracking impact water qua...,
What is the effect of soil salini...
7  cards
U8L1 Water Pollution
Which characteristic of water mak...,
What is the definition of water p...,
What is the definition of groundw...
29  cards
U8L2 Clean Water Regulations
Cuyahoga river was called the riv...,
Due the ambulance of chemicals in...,
Describe some things that opened ...
36  cards
U8L3 Investigating Water Quality Lab
What is the definition of biodive...,
What is the definition of eutroph...,
What is turbidity
14  cards
U8L4 Water Filtration
What are the most common water pu...,
How does distillation purify water,
What is removed during distillation
48  cards
U8L5 Flint's Water Crisis
During economic struggle how d wa...,
What caused the water to change a...,
How does lead get into water
11  cards
U8L6 Household Water Use
Water saving strategies fall into...,
What is the definition of water s...,
How do toilets waste water how wa...
25  cards
U8L7 Aquaponics
What is aquaculture,
What is hydroponics,
What is aquaponics
20  cards
U8L8 Hydrology
What is the definition of hydrology,
What do scientists working in the...,
What is the definition of hydrolo...
14  cards

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8th: science semester 2

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