8th grade social studies

This class was created by Brainscape user Anshu Gangineni. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Unit 0.5: Jamestown, Massachusetts Bay Colony and Plymouth Colony
King james l,
John smith,
42  cards
Unit 1: Georgia, New Netherlands, Pennsylvania, Slavery and European Colonies
What does popular sovereignty mean,
What does patroon system,
Proprietor means
47  cards
Unit 2:Causes of the American Revolution
What was the impact of the first ...,
What are the causes and effects o...,
Define the albany plan of union
30  cards
Unit 3: American Revolution
Who are loyalists,
Who are the patriots,
Describe the declaration of indep...
52  cards
Unit 4: Governing a New Nation
Which of the following is not a w...,
Why did the founding fathers cons...,
Which of the following establishe...
53  cards
Unit 5: Early Presidential Administrations
Define precedent,
Define loose interpretation,
Define strict interpretation
50  cards
Unit 6 and 7 - Foreign Affairs and Sectionalism Divides a Nation
What were the causes and effects ...,
What were the effects of the conv...,
What were the effects of the conv...
43  cards
Unit 7,8 & 9: The Age of Jackson and Reform Movements
What led to the start of the amer...,
What were the effects of the amer...,
What were the push pull factors f...
61  cards
Unit 10: Expansion and Division of the Nation
How did the concept of manifest d...,
What were the reasons that groups...,
What was the significance of the ...
67  cards
Unit 11 & 12: The Civil War and Reconstruction
How did campaigns of the election...,
Who were the political and milita...,
Who were the political and milita...
89  cards
1-50 End of Year Review Terms
___ was one reason europeans came...,
A group of investors that funded ...,
A group of investors who pool the...
50  cards
51-97 End of the Year Review Terms
An emotion packed christian movem...,
A leader of the first great awake...,
A leader in the first great awake...
47  cards
98-156 End of the Year Review Terms
The continental congress created ...,
Congress had to devise a system f...,
Congress passed this to establish...
70  cards
157-205 End of the Year Review Terms
The south was this type of societ...,
Made the processing of cotton fib...,
The cotton capital of the south
49  cards
206-237 End of Year Review Terms
The belief that the united states...,
Fur trappers of the northeast,
Founded by joseph smith was a rel...
31  cards
238-271 End of the Year Review Terms
Republican candidates chose abrah...,
Election of 1860,
The president of the confederate ...
47  cards

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8th grade social studies

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