as history paper 1: germany (1918-1989)

This class was created by Brainscape user APS History. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

1. The Weimar Republc: Politics and Government KNOWLEDGE CARDS
What was the nickname given to th...,
When was the treaty of verailles ...,
Why is the treaty of versailles a...
25  cards
2. The Weimar Republic: The Economy KNOWLEDGE CARDS
What was germanys debt after the ...,
How much did living standards fal...,
What happened to the printing of ...
37  cards
3. The Weimar Republic: Opposition and Support KNOWLEDGE CARDS
Name three key uprisings against ...,
How many political assassinations...,
What happened in bavaria saxony a...
17  cards
4. The Weimar Republic: The rise of the Nazis KNOWLEDGE CARDS
What proportion of votes did the ...,
What proportion of votes did the ...,
What form of communication did th...
16  cards
5. The Weimar Republic UNDERSTANDING CARDS
How did the trade unions help the...,
How did the german army help the ...,
How did the freikorps help the we...
24  cards
6. Nazi Germany: Consolidation of power (1933-1934)
In what ways was hitler s power l...,
Describe the events of the reichs...,
Why did the reichstag fire benefi...
8  cards
7. Nazi Germany: Politics and Government (1933-1945)
Describe the concept of fuhrerpri...,
Explain why the power of the foll...,
How and why did hitler prevent gr...
8  cards
8. Nazi Germany: The Economy (1933-1945)
What economic problems did the na...,
What policies did the nazis intro...,
What policies did the nazis intro...
17  cards
9. Nazi Germany: Opposition, support and survival (1933-1945)
What social benefits did some ger...,
Identify three pieces of evidence...,
Identify three groups of people w...
22  cards
10. Historical Interpretations: Hitler's Foreign Policy and the Second World War
Name two previous german empires,
Who was the first leader of the s...,
What were the foreign policies of...
89  cards
West Germany 1945-49
1 what was agreed as the potsdam ...,
2 what was the allied control cou...,
3 identify two economic problems ...
21  cards
West Germany: The fate of Germany after the Second World War (1945 - 1949)
What was agreed at the potsdam co...,
What was the allied control counc...,
Identify 2 economic problems germ...
9  cards
West Germany: The de- Nazification policies of the Allies (1945 - 1949)
Describe the year zero policy ado...,
Who was the first chancellor of t...,
Identify 3 ways the allies tried ...
5  cards
West Germany: The system of government in the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG)
What was the name of the constitu...,
When was the basic law announced,
What did article 21 of the basic ...
11  cards
West Germany: The Political nature of the FRG (1949 - 1963)
What happened to relations betwee...,
What was the hallstein doctrine,
When did the first election in th...
14  cards
West Germany: Economic Recovery in the years 1945 - 1965
Identify 3 examples of economic i...,
Who was appointed economics minis...,
What was ludwig erhards vision fo...
21  cards

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as history paper 1: germany (1918-1989)

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