This class was created by Brainscape user Dora Paraicz. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (28)

Gastro-Intestinal System
List the layers of the gi tract,
List the three divisions of auton...,
Give two examples of two non neur...
16  cards
Urinary System
Describe the position of the kidn...,
Describe the structure of the kidney,
Function of the renal pyramids
17  cards
List the three layers of the basi...,
Functions of the skin,
Layers of the epidermis
19  cards
Responses to cell and tissue injury (necrosis and apoptosis)
What could cause changed in membr...,
What can changes in membrane home...,
What does the nature of the injur...
3  cards
Reproductive System
What is a gonad,
What makes up the male gonad,
Where are the testis found and wh...
32  cards
Endocrine System
What are the actions of the endoc...,
What regulatory systems does the ...,
What are the three classes of hor...
37  cards
Lipids and Cell Membranes
What is a lipid,
Function of lipids,
What is the length of fatty acids
17  cards
Active Transport - The Sodium Pump
What is the effect of k o on digo...,
What is the therapeutic index,
What is hypokalaemia
12  cards
Early Embryology
Where does fertilisation occur,
What type of cells are the ovum a...,
How does the sperm get into the ovum
25  cards
Not-so-early Embryology
What is gastrulation,
What is the name of the raised gr...,
How do epiblast cells get into th...
20  cards
The Back - Bones, Joints, Ligaments, Muscles
Give three examples of what could...,
What are the functions of the ver...,
What is the primary and secondary...
21  cards
Science and Medicine
What is the scientific method,
What is evidence based medicine,
Difference between primary and se...
4  cards
Taking a Medical History
What is the structure of taking m...,
What questions could you ask on t...,
What does socrates stand for
4  cards
Common Sense Model of Illness & Treatments
What are the components of illnes...,
Can illness perception change,
How do inaccurate perception of i...
4  cards
Introduction to Health Protection
What is health protection,
What does sporadic mean,
What does endemic mean
11  cards
Use of Health Services
What are the major factors implic...,
What is the treatment delay,
What are the three stages of trea...
4  cards
Introduction to Public Health
What is health,
What is health inequality,
What are the determinant of health
4  cards
Local Anaesthetics
Give examples for amide containin...,
Give examples for ester containin...,
Difference between ester containi...
15  cards
What are the 3 stages of synaptic...,
What two types of presynaptic mec...,
How do small molecule transmitter...
19  cards
Introduction to Health Promotion
What are the top down and bottom ...,
What are the 5 approaches to heal...,
What is health promotion
6  cards
Spinal Cord & Meninges
What makes up the meninges moving...,
What type of joint is between the...,
Where do the spinal nerves exit from
27  cards
Spinal Nerves and their Distribution
Describe the embryonic developmen...,
What does myotome mean,
What does dermatome mean
12  cards
What are the 4 criteria that a ne...,
How does inactivation of a neurot...,
What are co agonists
4  cards
Quality not Quantity
What are 95 confidence intervals,
What is the point estimate,
What is a meta analysis
5  cards
What is acute pain,
What is chronic pain define its s...,
How do we perceive pain
8  cards
Clinical Anatomy of the Back
What is hangmans fracture,
What is jeffersons fracture,
What is analgesia
11  cards
What is mortality rate,
What is incidence,
What is prevalence
13  cards
Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
Decribe chemotherapy,
What make up the bacterial cell wall,
What are the classes of penicillin
6  cards

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