This class was created by Brainscape user Clini Le. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

1.1 The drainage basin system
Define the hydrological cycle,
Define drainage basin,
Define watershed
25  cards
1.2 Rainfall - discharge relationships within drainage basins
Define discharge,
What is a flood hydrograph,
What does the rising limb show
19  cards
1.3 River channel processes and landforms
List and define main 3 types of r...,
List and define 4 types of erosio...,
Factors affecting rate of erosion
35  cards
1.4 The human impact
What are the urbanising influences,
What is the possible hydrological...,
What is the possible hydrological...
25  cards
2.1 Local energy budgets
Define energy budget,
What are the 6 components of the ...,
Define daytime energy budget
21  cards
2.2 The global energy budget
What is the global energy budget,
What are the variations in the re...,
Define thermal equator
37  cards
2.3 Weather processes and phenomena
What is evaporation,
Why does evaporation occur,
3 factors affecting evaporation
43  cards
2.4 The human impact
What is the greenhouse effect,
What is the human enhanced greenh...,
What are the greenhouse gases and...
6  cards
3.1 Elementary plate tectonics
Define plates,
Define plate boundary,
Define plate tectonics
30  cards
3.2. Weathering and rocks
Define weathering,
Define mechanical weathering,
Define chemical weathering
39  cards
3.3. Slope processes and development
Define slopes,
Define slope form,
Define slope evolution
23  cards
3.4. The human impact
How does overgrazing farming affe...,
How does construction of dam affe...,
How does spoil heaps affect slope...
8  cards

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physical geography

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