(6092) chemistry

This class was created by Brainscape user MOD_ Leia. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

kinetic particle theory
What is matter,
What is matter made up of,
What is brownian motion
28  cards
seperation techniques
What is a mixture,
What is a pure substance,
What is used to separate insolubl...
11  cards
elements, compounds and mixtures
What is the si unit and apparatus...,
What is the motion of particles of,
What do metals look like
22  cards
atomic structure
Why are all atoms electrically ne...,
What is the mass number,
What are isotopes
11  cards
chemical bonding
Where are noble gaes,
How reactive are noble gases,
Why are noble gases stable
45  cards
mole concept
What is the relative atomic mass,
What is the relative molecular mass,
How many particles are in a mole
21  cards
acids and bases
What is an acid,
What kind of taste do acids have,
What color does acid turn litmus ...
36  cards
the atmosphere and environment
What percentage of air is oxygen,
What percentage,
What percentage of air is carbon ...
41  cards
salt preparation
What are all soluble salts,
Which salts are all soluble excep...,
What sulfate salts are insoluble
26  cards
energy changes
What is the law of conservation,
What is an exothermic reaction,
E examples of physical process of...
24  cards
rate of reaction
What must happen for a chemical r...,
What does activation energy refer to,
What does the speed rate of react...
13  cards
quantitative analysis
When is a gas evolved in a reaction,
What is the effect of oxygen on m...,
What are colourless and odourless...
40  cards
the periodic table
How are the elements arranged on ...,
What is the horizontal row of ele...,
What is the vertical column of el...
30  cards
What type of surfaces do metals have,
Why do metals have high melting p...,
Why are metals good conductors of...
67  cards
What are alkenes,
What is the general formula of al...,
What is the molecular formula of ...
5  cards
carboxylic acid + alcohols
What type of functional group is ...,
What is the general formula of a ...,
What is thye structureal formula ...
34  cards
What is a macromeoleculel,
What is a polymer,
What are some examples of natural...
22  cards

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(6092) chemistry

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