This class was created by Brainscape user Paul Weatherford. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (30)

EP (2023 NATOPS update
Land immediately,
Land as soon as possible,
Land as soon as practical
78  cards
Limits and number
Normal inlet temperature with eng...,
Mgb normal oil temp,
Acc gb oil press light
284  cards
Stuff to know verbatim
What is the mission of the hmh,
Ch 53 performance,
Definition of a hac
13  cards
Tactical formations,
Combat cruise,
What defines terf flight
72  cards
Characteristics of the gau 21 max...,
Can you shoot a whole 300 round c...,
What type of laser pointer can we...
17  cards
Loss of visual contact,
Section lost comm day,
Section lost comm night
34  cards
Ch53e mission,
What is metl,
What is a squadron made up of
14  cards
5 axioms of survival,
What is the definition of sweet,
What is the definition of a squirter
24  cards
Aar 47,
Aar 47 purpose,
Aar 47 provides what 3 warnings
58  cards
Live by it; Die by it HAC Gouge
Hac board what is the only way yo...,
Hac board prior to conducting nig...,
Hac board if a marine is on a spo...
139  cards
Night Stuff
Proper scan technique,
53 exterior lights,
53 interior lights
46  cards
What does maccs stand for,
Tacc callsign
15  cards
Ground Turn
What two major steps must be take...,
Review of helo discrepancies shal...,
Nomenclature for a sheet
11  cards
Squadron SOP
What is the squadron s 1 priority,
Simulated engine out,
How should simulated emergencies ...
107  cards
Mag sop when should each squadron...,
Mag sop what numbering convention...,
Mag sop 10086 when are frag after...
52  cards
Wing SOP
Wing sop 1104 for planning and sc...,
Wing sop 1104 for planning purpos...,
Wing sop 1104 how long should cre...
48  cards
Namp 5153 what does aadb stand for,
What shop number is 030,
What shop number is maintenance c...
76  cards
FARAIM things
Far aim when does class a airspac...,
Far aim what are the dimensions o...,
What does class b look like on a ...
32  cards
Joey's Notes
Assualt support definition as per 3,
Prereqs for hac per the t r,
Define event proficiency
30  cards
14  cards
1. BASIC LIMITS - Sheet1 (1)
Min crew required to operate the ...,
419 t5,
416 416a t5
61  cards
Cnaf define warning,
Cnaf ch1 define caution,
Cnaf ch1 define note
42  cards
Cnaf 411 naval aircraft shall not...,
Cnaf 412 authorization for a flig...,
Cnaf421 when shall the hac be des...
31  cards
Cnaf 511 when shall position ligh...,
Cnaf 5112 when shall anti collisi...,
Cnaf when can you turn off anti c...
19  cards
Cnaf simulated emergencies that m...,
Cnaf can you operate cell phones ...,
Cnaf who shall be manning the con...
5  cards
Cnaf what percentage of the helme...,
Cnaf what shall you be wearing ha...,
Cnaf who shall use supplemental o...
8  cards
CNAF CH9: Miscellanous
Cnaf what responsibility is it th...,
Cnaf navy and marine corps flight...,
Cnaf can you take your ps4 with y...
4  cards
CNAF CH11: Annual Req
Cnaf what is the minimum pilot fl...,
Cnaf what is the minimum pilot fl...,
Cnaf if you are on leave could yo...
5  cards
CNAF CH12, 13
Cnaf what are the requirements of...,
Cnaf under normal conditions a pi...,
Cnaf requalification after lapse ...
11  cards
NVG Manual Read
Nvd provide the aircrew with what...,
What are some of nvds primary lim...,
Explain gen 0 nvgs
66  cards

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