This class was created by Brainscape user Kat Watson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (25)

Head 1: Liferent (Usufruct)
What is liferent,
Who is a liferenter,
Who is the fiar
24  cards
Head 2: Succession
How is the law of succession infl...,
S 22 registration of births marri...,
S 23 1965 act
16  cards
Head 3: Who May Inherit?
Who may inherit,
What are the four types of succes...,
What is a common calamity
22  cards
Head 4: The Estate (The Patrimony)
What makes up an estate,
How is an estate defined,
How is an estate administered
14  cards
Head 5: Legal Rights
What are legal rights,
Who has legal rights,
Who is a relict
40  cards
Head 6: Testaments
What is a testament,
What is a trust and disposition t...,
What are the conditions required ...
54  cards
Head 7: Testate Succession
What is testate succession concer...,
What is the order of distribution,
What are the different types of l...
52  cards
Head 8: Intestate Succession
Where is the law of intestacy to ...,
Who laid down the single list of ...,
How can intestacy occur
22  cards
Head 9: Destinations
What are the two different specie...,
What is a destination over,
Where is a destination over to be...
21  cards
Head 10: Executries
Who is an executor,
What happens if an executor is in...,
Murray petr 2012
20  cards
Head 11: IPL
What are the general ipl rules ab...,
Davies uk citizen dies domiciled ...,
Verdi italian national dies domic...
6  cards
Head 12: Trusts: An Introduction
What are the sources of trust law,
What is a trust,
Leven penny savings bank 1948
13  cards
Head 13: The Parties to a Trust
Who are the parties to a trust,
Who are the trusters,
What kind of relationship is a trust
25  cards
Head 14: Trust Purposes and the Trust Patrimony
Why must a trust have valid purposes,
Thomas v tennant s trs 1868,
What happens if the purposes are ...
22  cards
Head 15: Creating an Express Trust
What acts are needed to create an...,
How is a declaration of trust made,
What should you say as a trustee
29  cards
Head 16: What Trusts are Used For
What are trusts used for,
What can t you do without a trust,
How can you transfer non assignab...
6  cards
Head 17: Trust Administration
How can trustees be appointed,
How are the original trustees usu...,
How is a trustee appointed by a q...
84  cards
Head 18: Duties of Trust
What is the basic duties of trustees,
What is the duty of care owed by ...,
In what name should trustees hold...
12  cards
Head 19: Breach of Trust
What can breach of trust be divid...,
Who is responsible for a breach o...,
Who may raise an action for breac...
28  cards
Head 20: Charitable and Charity Trusts
When is a trust charitable,
What are charity trusts governed by,
What are charities if not trusts
20  cards
Head 21: Unlawful Purposes
What are the categories of unlawf...,
What is unlawful accumulation of ...,
When can unlawful accumulation in...
22  cards
Head 22: Variation or termination of private trusts
What does variation mean,
What does termination mean,
What was the general rule at comm...
14  cards
Head 23: Reorganisation of public trusts
How can you reorganise a public t...,
How can you reorganise a charity ...,
How can you reorganise a non char...
9  cards
Head 24: Termination of Trusts
How may a trust be terminated,
Does a trust end where there are ...,
What is the power of revocation
9  cards
Head 25: Constructive Trusts
What is a constructive trust,
When do constructive trusts arise...,
Jopp v johnston s trs 1904
6  cards

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