This class was created by Brainscape user lara monaghan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (51)

Discuss the survival rate of bridges,
Compare adhesive and conventional...,
List some indications for using b...
62  cards
Compare tooth surface loss and no...,
What is physiological tooth wear,
What is pathological toothwear
93  cards
OS- Pulp and periapical disease
What is a granuloma,
Compare an apical cyst to an infe...,
What is the other name for pulp h...
19  cards
OS- spread of infection
What does the spread of infection...,
We have an infected maxillary the...,
We have an infected maxillary too...
30  cards
OS- microbiology
Name a grazm positive cocci bacteria,
Name a gram negative cocci bacteri,
Name a gram positive bacilli bact...
20  cards
What provides blood supply to the...,
Describe the movements of the tmj,
Label the muscles associated with...
34  cards
OS- Wisdom teeth
When do wisdom teeth normally erupt,
When does the calcification of th...,
When is root calcification comple...
87  cards
OS- pre prosthetic surgeries
Why do we have surgery pre prosth...,
What is a frenectomy,
What is a frenoplasty
14  cards
OS- Oral cancer
What are the classic sites for ca...,
What are the classic sites of ora...,
List the 7 red flags for oral cancer
10  cards
OS- implants
What are implants,
What do we need to place an implant,
The patient has lost bone explain...
14  cards
OS-maxillary sinus
Name the paransal sinuses,
What are the functions of the par...,
Where is the opening of the maxil...
26  cards
SEDATION- physiology
How does breathing work,
What type of breathing is expiration,
Compare quiet and more forceful b...
50  cards
What is conscious sedation,
List some medical indications for...,
List some dental indications for ...
86  cards
Decontamination textbook
Infectious agent,
What is the r0 number,
What does an r0 1 mean
39  cards
Paeds textbook
Contains fc from: BDS3- Special needs Fissure sealants Fluoride use Prevention Treatment planning. Paeds behaviour BDS4- treatment of discolouration
193  cards
Paeds=Treatment of discoloured teeth
List the treatment options for di...,
What is microabrasion,
Discuss the diadvantages of micro...
26  cards
3 radiation protection principles,
What is the inverse square law an...,
Pattern of attenuation
113  cards
OM- Therapeutic medications
What are licensed medications,
Who has responsibility for the sa...,
What are unlicensed medications
38  cards
OM- oral mucosal diseases
List the cells present in the ora...,
List the layers of the strata and...,
Where does cell division occur in...
35  cards
OM- mucosal colour change
What causes oral white lesions 5,
Describe why white lesions appear...,
What is leukoplakia
45  cards
OM-Oral ulceration and Apthous ulcers
Name some immunological causes of...,
What are the main causes of ulcers,
What gastrointestinal diseases ca...
34  cards
OM-Lichen planus
Name the 3 types of lichen planus,
Name describe this type of lichen...,
Name this type of lichen planus
37  cards
OM- Potentially malignant disorders
Compare a potentially malignant l...,
List some potentially malignant c...,
What clinical test do we complete...
27  cards
Ortho- Class II Div 1 Treatment.
Define class ii div1 incisor rela...,
How does class ii div 1 incisor r...,
Discuss the skeletal pattern asso...
22  cards
What is severe hypodontia,
What is anodontia,
How prevalent is hypodontia
15  cards
Ortho- Cleft
How common is cleft,
What method do we use to describe...,
What do lower case letters mean i...
14  cards
Ortho Class III Treatment
What is the definition of a class...,
How does a class iii incisor rela...,
How does having a class iii incis...
16  cards
Pros textbook
How do missing teeth affect the,
Why does alveolar resorption occur,
What is the saddle
222  cards
Pros tutorials
How do we decide wether to set th...,
Compare icp to rcp,
The patient s denture does not fi...
41  cards
OS- Fractures (Mand & Zygoma)
What muscles close the mandible,
What muscles open the mandible,
What is the nerve supply for the ...
28  cards
os- orthognathic surgery
List the mdt members involved in ...,
Why are study models taken before...,
What is a prognathic or anterogna...
14  cards
Ortho- ortho & oral surgery
What is a fraenectomy,
What is a frenoplasty,
What is a frenoplasty
13  cards
Orthodontics- upper removable appliances
How does an upper removable appli...,
Discuss the advantages and disadv...,
What are the components of stainl...
47  cards
Ortho- Fixed appliances
What is a fixed orthodontic appli...,
List some advantages of a fixed o...,
23  cards
The patient has attended with a b...,
The patient has attended with a d...,
How do we check the bonds on a bo...
16  cards
Ortho- Adults
List reasons adults seek orthodon...,
What other considerations are the...,
What differences are there with a...
10  cards
Ortho- risks and benefits
List some benefits of orthodontic...,
List the risks of orthodontic tre...,
What is decalcification
13  cards
OM- Immune mediated disease
What is an epitope,
Why do diseases affecting the ski...,
What is desmoglein
26  cards
OS- Cysts
What is a cyst,
How can you differentiate between...,
What are the symptoms of a cyst i...
46  cards
OM- saliva
What are the functions of saliva,
Give some causes of dry mouth,
What scale is used to assess the ...
45  cards
Ortho- Interceptive orthodontics
Discuss spacing in deciduous teeth,
What is the leeway space,
How much can crowding improve in ...
26  cards
Ortho- Class II Div II
Define class ii division 2 incisors,
List skeletal features of a class...,
List soft tissue features of a cl...
10  cards
Radiology-odontogenic tumours
What is characteristic of an odon...,
Name some epithelial odontogenic ...,
Give example s of mesenchymal odo...
25  cards
OM- facial pain
Compare pain and nociception,
Compare nociceptive pain to neuro...,
How can we manage neuropathic pain
32  cards
OM- OFG and Systemic diseases
Compare orofacial granulomatosis ...,
What causes orofacial granulomatosis,
Why do we get granulomas
23  cards
CASE pres
You have measured the bpe what is...,
Discuss your 6 point pocket chart...,
Why did you select opt radiograph...
160  cards
Primary dentine types,
Vertucci type 1,
Vertucci type ii
166  cards
What is orthodontics,
Andrew s 6 keys,
What are the risks of orthodontic...
164  cards
What is a laceration,
Why do you check if a pateint can...,
How does trauma affect the patien...
125  cards
What is angina pectoris,
What is congestive heart failure,
What is atherosclerosis
5  cards
Type use adv disadvwhat is relyxg...,
What is aquacem give type use adv...,
What is nexus give type use adv o...
13  cards

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