4154 applied science iv

This class was created by Brainscape user Eboni Bernard. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

Chroncity (Exam 1)
What does the chronic care model ...,
What are the six essential elemen...,
How would a chronic health condit...
16  cards
Infertility (Exam 1)
How would infertility be described,
What is primary and secondary inf...,
What are the essential components...
14  cards
Hemodynamics (Part 1)
What does the p wave represent,
What does p r interval represent,
What does the st segment represents
39  cards
0  cards
Hemodynamics (Part 2)
What is hemodynamics,
What does cardiac output,
What is the cardiac index
11  cards
Heart Failure (HF)
Where does majority of hf begins ...,
What causes r sided hf,
What happens in systolic hf
19  cards
Acute Coronary Syndrome
What is the definition of acs wha...,
How would acs be described,
What determines if a patient is h...
14  cards
Burns (Exam 2)
What type of burn patients go str...,
Why are inhalation burns so dange...,
What part of the body is the resp...
19  cards
What is the function of the glome...,
What is the function of the kidne...,
What food should not be given whe...
17  cards
Mental Health of the Senior Population
Understanding the differences of Dementia, Delirium, and Depression and their complexity
9  cards
DM (HHS and DKA)
Understanding the differences of DKA and HHS and their complexity
7  cards
DM (Pharm)
What should be included in client...,
What is the goal of dm medication...,
What med is an example of a bigua...
15  cards
Epidemiology and Emerging Diseases
0  cards
What is the largest organ in the ...,
What is the function of the liver...,
What is liver cirrhosis is it rev...
17  cards
What h,
Is congenital heart defects chd c...,
What can occur with altered hemod...
37  cards
When is cancer seen mostly in chi...,
What is cancer etiology,
What are some risk factors associ...
21  cards
0  cards
0  cards
Cancer Lecture
What is the definition of cancer ...,
What is the hallmark definition s...,
What is mitosis what is neoplasia...
18  cards
Cancer Therapy
What is the dosing for filgrastim...,
What type of cancer is 5 fu and c...,
With the goals of treatment cure ...
9  cards
FINAL EXAM--Chronic Neuromuscular Diseases
How would tay sach s disease be d...,
Is tay sach s progessive or gradu...,
How would huntington s disease be...
9  cards
NMD Pharm
1  cards

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4154 applied science iv

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