This class was created by Brainscape user Jasmine Rimmer. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

4023 exam questions
The patient will be at the heart ...,
Your right not to be tortured or ...,
This government strategy focuses ...
24  cards
What are protected characteristics,
What is diversity,
What is inclusion
13  cards
What is prevent,
What is radicalisation,
3  cards
What does the care act 2014 do,
What does the care act 2014 requi...,
What are the 6 safegaurding princ...
20  cards
coping with illness and disability
What is the biomedical model,
What is the biopsychosocial model,
Whats the difference between inte...
15  cards
breaking down barriers
What do ambulence services need t...,
How will they improve the ambulan...,
How can you speed up the process ...
5  cards
health inequalities
What are the different health ine...,
What are the differences in healt...,
What are health inequalitys in li...
8  cards
the older person
Over the past 25 years the number...,
What are common features of frailty,
What can disease do to an individual
8  cards
cultural competence
What is culteral blindness,
What is culture,
What are some ways that culture m...
14  cards
human development
How does a parent respond to a ch...,
How do you act with a as a profes...,
How do you communicate with a chi...
20  cards
person centred care
What is person centred care,
What are the 4 principles of pers...,
How can paramedics meet the 4 pri...
10  cards
society and health
What should all paramedics assess...,
What are the different social det...,
What is the social gradient meaning
13  cards
individual factors
What does the hcpc do,
What are the ethics and values in...,
Misconduct can lead too
7  cards
0  cards

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4023 exam

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