4 - restorative

This class was created by Brainscape user David Jack. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

intro and conventional bridgework
What are the reasons for treating...,
What is a bridge,
What is the difference between ad...
30  cards
adhesive bridge
What are the other names for adhe...,
Name 4 advantages of adhesive bri...,
Name 4 disadvantages of adhesive ...
13  cards
bridgework design and materials
What is the success rate of a res...,
What is the success rate of a fix...,
What occlusal information is need...
27  cards
tooth wear 1
What is the range of loss for phy...,
Define pathological tooth wear,
What is abrasion and where is it ...
23  cards
tooth wear 2
What are the subcategories of gen...,
What is dento alveolar compensation,
How can tooth wear be treated in ...
13  cards
tooth wear 3
When are composite build ups on a...,
What are the contraindications to...,
What is the ring of confidence
17  cards
shortened dental arch
What is a shortened dental arch,
Name 4 things associated with the...,
Give 4 indications for a shortene...
18  cards
toothwear - aetiology
What are the 3 main components of...,
Why is the aetiology of toothwear...,
What are the modifying factors of...
19  cards
toothwear - overdentures
How does lack of posterior suppor...,
What are the reasons for lack of ...,
Why should compete dentures be av...
14  cards
toothwear - dental demolition
Give 4 reasons for dental demolit...,
What should be considered before ...,
What is needed for operator safet...
15  cards
implant planning and placement
What is osseointegration,
What are the 2 stages of osseoint...,
What are the differences between ...
29  cards
Functional occlusion,
Group function,
Canine guidance
8  cards
luting cements
How does a tooth bond to a resin ...,
How does a tooth bond to porcelain,
How do you bond to non precious m...
12  cards
crown prep
Principles of crown prep,
Preservation of tooth structure,
11  cards

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4 - restorative

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