This class was created by Brainscape user Sameeha Amatal-Haqq. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (33)

Transient Ischaemic attack (TIA)
Define a transient ischaemic atta...,
Is there infarction in a tia,
How do tias present and how long ...
17  cards
Define a stroke,
What s the difference between a t...,
What are 2 types of stroke
24  cards
Intracerebral haemorrhage
Define intracerebral haemorrhage,
What are the risk factors for int...,
What are causes of intracerebral ...
7  cards
Subarachnoid haemorrhage
Define a subarachnoid haemorrhage,
What is the epidemiology of subar...,
What are risk factors of subarach...
10  cards
Subdural haemorrhage
Define a subdural haemorrhage,
What is the epidemiology and rfs ...,
What is subdural haemorrhage seen in
9  cards
Extradural haemorrhage
Define an extradural haemorrhage,
When should you suspect an extrad...,
What is the cause of extradural h...
9  cards
Define meningitis,
What is the epidemiology of menin...,
What pathogens cause meningitis i...
54  cards
Define encephalitis,
What is the epidemiology and risk...,
What causes encephalitis the most
19  cards
Multiple sclerosis
Define multiple sclerosis,
Which cells are affected in multi...,
What type of hypersensitivity rea...
19  cards
Guillain Barre syndrome
Define guillain barre syndrome,
What is guillain barre syndrome t...,
Who does guillain barre mainly af...
10  cards
Parkinson's disease
Define parkinson s disease,
What are risk factors of parkinson s,
What is a mnemonic to remember pa...
16  cards
Huntington's disease
Define huntington s disease,
What is huntington s due to,
Describe the pathophysiology of h...
9  cards
Dementia - Alzheimer's
Define dementia,
What are risk factors of alzheimer s,
Describe the pathophysiology of a...
8  cards
Dementia - Frontotemporal
Define frontotemporal dementia,
When is the onset for,
What are the symptoms of frontote...
5  cards
Dementia - Lewy body
Describe the pathophysiology for ...,
What are symptoms of lewy body de...,
How is lewy body dementia diagnosed
4  cards
Dementia - Vascular
Define vascular dementia,
What are the risk factors for vas...,
What are the symptoms of vascular...
6  cards
What are the primary headaches,
Define migraines,
What is an aura
31  cards
Epilepsy and seizures
Define epilepsy,
Define seizures,
Define prodrome
38  cards
Spinal cord pathology - myelopathy + cauda equina + sciatica
What is myelopathy,
What makes the spinal cord,
What is l3
35  cards
Cranial nerve lesions
What cranial nerves can have lesions,
What are 3 conditions of cranial ...,
Define bell s palsy
25  cards
Motor neurone disease
Define motor neurone disease,
What are risk factors for motor n...,
What investigations do you do for...
18  cards
Myasthenia Gravis
Define myasthenia gravis,
What type of hypersensitivity rea...,
What is the epidemiology for mg
11  cards
Lambert Eaton Syndrome
Define lambert eaton syndrome,
What are the differences between ...,
How do you treat les
3  cards
Define syncope,
Describe the pathophysiology of s...,
What are the signs and symptoms o...
8  cards
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Define carpal tunnel syndrome,
What are the nerve roots of the m...,
What are causes of carpal tunnel ...
11  cards
Foot drop
Define foot drop,
What are causes of foot drop,
What are signs and symptoms of fo...
5  cards
Wrist drop
What is wrist drop,
What roots does the radial nerve ...,
How do you treat wrist drop
3  cards
Claw hand
What is claw hand,
What roots does the ulnar nerve have,
What is seen in claw hand
4  cards
Peripheral neuropathy
Define peripheral neuropathy,
2  cards
Brown Sequard syndrome
Define brown sequard syndrome
1  cards
Charcot-Marie Tooth syndrome
Define charcot marie tooth syndrome
1  cards
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Define duchenne muscular dystrophy,
What is the epidemiology of duche...,
What is the pathophysiology of dmd
5  cards
Primary and secondary brain tumours
What are the 2 types of primary t...,
What are,
What is the presentation of prima...
3  cards

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2a neuro

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