This class was created by Brainscape user Ananya Agarwal. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

What are the 4 chambers of the he...,
What are the 4 great vessels of t...,
What are the 10 steps of blood fl...
8  cards
Cardiac Mechanics
What is the structure of ventricu...,
How does ca2 release occur in a c...,
What is the graph of intracellula...
12  cards
What is the pathway of air in the...,
What is dichotomous branching,
Which parts of the respiratory sy...
21  cards
Cardiac Cycle
What is diastole,
What is systole,
What are the 7 phases of the card...
28  cards
What are microcirculations,
What is the pathway of blood thro...,
What is darcy s law
19  cards
Ventilation and Gas Exchange
What is minute ventilation,
What is rf,
What is valv
30  cards
Exercise Capacity
Why is ventilation uneven across ...,
Why is intravascular pressure une...,
What is the pattern of lung venti...
12  cards
Cardiorespiratory Mechanics
What are the mechanics of ventila...,
Which factors affect the airflow ...,
How does pressure change througho...
15  cards
Cardiology Clinic
What is a stemi,
What is atrial fibrillation,
What is asthma
4  cards
Pulmonary Tests
How do you distinguish between ob...,
What are the 2 types of respirato...,
How do you interpret volume flow ...
10  cards
Control of Heart
What are the nodes of the heart,
What are the,
What are the 3 phases of nodal ce...
29  cards
Cardiovascular Disorders
What are the 3 types of cardiovas...,
What is heart failure,
What are is atrial arrhythmia
16  cards
Control of Lung
1  cards
What are the leads of an ecg,
How does axis deviation present o...,
How does axis deviation present o...
11  cards
0  cards

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2.6 brs cardiovascular & respiratory

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