This class was created by Brainscape user Haashir Aslam. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

GCSE RPSE Theme A Flashcards:
Define adultery,
Define bigamy,
State what a blended step family
37  cards
GCSE RPSE Buddhism Belief & Practices Flashcards:
Define chanting,
Define karma,
Define karuna
138  cards
GCSE RPSE Christian Beliefs Flashcards:
Who is jesus christ,
Who is jesus,
Define omnipotent
28  cards
GCSE RPSE Christian Beliefs Quotes (Their) Meanings Flashcards:
Quote about honoring jesus,
Quote about monotheism,
Quote about the trinity
21  cards
GCSE RPSE Christian Practices Flashcards:
Define worship,
What is liturgical worhship,
What is non liturgical worship
37  cards
GCSE RPSE Christian Practices Quotes (Their) Meanings Flashcards:
2  cards
GCSE RPSE Buddhism Beliefs & Practices Quotes (Their) Meanings Flashcards:
1  cards
GCSE RPSE Theme A Quotes/Beliefs Flashcards:
State the bible quote which talks...,
What and which bible quote talks ...,
What does allah say about those w...
48  cards
GCSE RPSE Theme C Flashcards:
What is the design argument,
What is the first cause argument,
Define general revelation
28  cards
GCSE RPSE Theme C Quotes/Beliefs Flashcards:
Christian view on the design argu...,
Atheist view on the design argument,
Buddhist view on the des
54  cards
GCSE RPSE Theme D Flashcards:
Define forgiveness,
Define greed in terms of war,
Define holy war
35  cards
GCSE RPSE Theme D Quotes/Beliefs Flashcards:
State a quo,
State a quote from the bible that...,
Christianity view on peace
36  cards
GCSE RPSE Theme E Flashcards:
What is community service,
What is corporal punishment,
Define crime
23  cards
GCSE RPSE Theme E Quotes/Beliefs Flashcards:
Islamic view on death penalty,
Christian view on death penalty,
Islamic view on forgiveness
35  cards
GCSE Biology Unit 1 Flashcards:
Define a cell,
What is cytoplasm,
Describe cytoplasm
68  cards
GCSE Biology Unit 2 Flashcards:
What is the role of enzyme catalyse,
What is the lock and key theory,
Draw and label the lock and key t...
29  cards
GCSE Biology Unit 3, 4 And 5 Flashcards:
What does phagocytes produce and ...,
What does lymphocytes produce and...,
Define antigen
65  cards
GCSE Biology Unit 9 + 10 Flashcards:
Define cell,
Define nucleus,
Define chromosome
32  cards
GCSE Biology Unit 6 Flashcards:
Draw and label the diagram of a leaf,
What are the 2 epidermal tissues,
What is the role of the waxy cuti...
30  cards
Additional GCSE Science Flashcards:
Define independent variable,
Define independent variable,
Define control variable
3  cards
Buddhism Beliefs, (Influences) Flashcards:
0  cards
Christianity Beliefs/Teachings (Influences) Flashcards:
1  cards

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