This class was created by Brainscape user Unknown Unknown. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Lecture 5 (Visual Sensing)
What does colour vision requires,
What are the two main photorecept...,
What do rods do
34  cards
What forms of evolution have plan...,
How does chloroplast topology change,
What are the categories of moveme...
50  cards
What is phototropism,
What are the stages,
What initaties it
28  cards
Circadian Rhythm
What does the utility of circadia...,
What does this mean for the const...,
What is the principle zeitgeber f...
49  cards
Introduction to Pollution
What is environmental pollution a...,
How does affluence impact pollution,
What are examples of anthropogeni...
30  cards
What is the function of the o3 layer,
What have been the consequences o...,
What is the stratosphere
32  cards
What natural sources emit so2,
What anthropogenic sources emit so2,
What is sulfur content of coals
41  cards
0  cards
What are some gases coming from n...,
How are these gases simultaneousl...,
How are hydroxyl radicals produced
34  cards
Ambient Air Pollution
What is acid rain,
Why does it drive acidity,
What are the two dominant acids i...
50  cards
Indoor Air pollution
How does formaldehyde concentrati...,
What are its sources,
How is it emitted
15  cards
What is a synthetic chemical,
What is the common mechanism of p...,
What are categories of pesticide
59  cards
Immunology Introduction
What characterises most successfu...,
What mechanisms allow evasion of ...,
What is antigenic variation
37  cards
Plant Chemical Defences
What are the major groups of chem...,
How are ros a component of animal...,
How do they function in microbial...
36  cards
Complement System
What is the complement system,
What is its major function,
How is this facilitated
53  cards

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