23- eq- repro/uro

This class was created by Brainscape user Helen West. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

Diagnostic methods and cycle manipulation in the mare
List 7 things we are examining wh...,
Describe what the hblb codes of p...,
Which 3 equine veneral pathogens ...
19  cards
Common reproductive problems in the mare
Describe prolonged dioestrus,
Decsribe how to treat erratic oes...,
What does it look like when a mar...
16  cards
Pregnancy diagnosis in mare
Why do we get rid of twins in horses,
When can you first see conceptus ...
10  cards
What is a potential problem of me...,
List some predisposing factors fo...,
Describe how to treat metritis in...
10  cards
Pregnancy loss causes and consequences
When does mummification of foal o...,
List 3 potential causes of embryo...,
Describe chronic endometrial disease
20  cards
Parturition, dystocia, post-partum events and reproductive surgery
Decsribe rupture pre pubic tendon...,
Describe how to manage abdominal ...,
How to induce parturition in the ...
22  cards
Diagnostic methods in the stallions
List 7 specific things that can b...,
Describe bacteriological screenin...,
Describe bacteriological screenin...
22  cards
The normal equine neonate
Normal heart rate at birth,
Normal resp rate at birth,
Normal temperature at birth
13  cards
The abnormal equine neonate
What is neonatal maladjustment sy...,
How to restrain foal,
Why do we never restrain foals un...
14  cards
The obtunded foal
Define obtunded,
What is stuporous,
List 6 possible causes of obtunde...
30  cards
The straining foal
What can cause abdominal strainin...,
List 3 things that can cause urin...,
What diagnostic tests can we do i...
26  cards
Neonatal therapeutics
Why are drug doses different fro ...,
Why do neonate drug doses need to...,
What is the leading cause of deat...
12  cards
Common diseases and surgery of the stallion/ gelding
When is castration of horses gene...,
3 way to diagnose crytorchidism i...,
29  cards
Anaesthesia for colt castrates ( & the odd donkey)
What should you check as part of ...,
What sedation is used for standin...,
Why are xylazine and acepromazine...
14  cards
Assessment of the urinary tract in horses
List 5 steps in investigating uri...,
List 6 things to look at on bioch...,
Why is it important to look at mu...
10  cards
acute kidney injury and acute renal failure
What is acute kidney injury,
What is acute kidney failure,
List some possible causes of arf
13  cards
chronic renal failure
What is chronic kidney disease,
How do kidneys recover from aki,
Why can kidneys not recover from ckd
15  cards
the discoloured urine
How can we differentiate between ...,
What can cause myoglobin in the u...,
What can cause haemoglobinuria
17  cards
Investigating PU/PD
Whta is normal water intake in horse,
Define polydipsia in horse,
Define polyuria in horse
26  cards
equine ophthalmic exam
List 4 relatively common eye cond...,
Describe the optic disc in horses,
List 4 response reflexes to test ...
17  cards
Equine ophthalmic disease and treatment
Typical presentation of ulcerativ...,
List 4 things seen with secondary...,
Diagnosis of ulcerative keratitis
5  cards

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23- eq- repro/uro

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