This class was created by Brainscape user Kathleen Reed. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Les verbes importants: Être, Avoir, Aller
To be,
I am,
You are singular
205  cards
Les verbes importants - Faire, Venir
I make,
You make,
He makes
77  cards
Les mots de liaison
81  cards
Les verbes - Réfléchis (Infinitif)
To apply makeup to oneself,
To break oneself,
To brush oneself
20  cards
Les verbes - Réfléchis et réciproques (au présent)
To buy oneself or each other,
To adore each other,
To help oneself or each other
125  cards
Reciprocal Verbs (au passé composé) EXCEPTIONS
This is a list of the reciprocal verbs that do not agree. Learn them! Cards 23 and below also fall into this rule, but are not specifically in the course at this point.
44  cards
Irregular Verbs in the Infinitive and the Passé Composé
To have,
To be,
To do to make
91  cards
VANDERTRAMP - Passé Composé avec Être
65  cards
Expressions of Time
Useful to help understand when to use passé composé or not.
10  cards
Les relations sociales
Various vocabulary from this unit.
115  cards
Unité 1 - Au Lycée
Course of studies,
Preschool kindergarten,
Elementary school
70  cards
Unité 2 - Faire la fête
This is argualby better done on Quizlet.
73  cards
Verbs + à + noun (Indirect - y))
To buy for i m going to buy flowe...,
To grab tear away from he had to ...,
To go to tomorrow we re going to ...
62  cards
Verbs that take de+noun (indirect -en)
To be a question of it s about fi...,
To notice she realized her mistak...,
To approach we re approaching the...
45  cards

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2024 - fsf 2d5

  • Class purpose General learning

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