2024 - élo - usmle rx qbank

This class was created by Brainscape user Alexe Tousignant. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (29)

biochem usmle rx
Deficiency of iduronate sulfate a...,
Dd hunter vs hurler synd,
What happens to the potein in alp...
110  cards
biochem block 2
Rna splicing is posttranslation o...,
Statins mechanism,
Hiv screening test
56  cards
Bouchard nodes,
Ra finding in joints,
Origin of melanocytes
98  cards
usmle rx micro
Erythemia infectiosum treatmen,
Inhibit formation of initiation c...,
Inhibiting rna polymerase
138  cards
The recurrent laryngeal nerve inn...,
What runs on top of the spermatic...,
Cremasteric reflex uses what nerve
33  cards
multisystem pharma
Zero order kinetics drugs,
Infusion rate formula,
Pralidoxime mechanism
53  cards
renal anat histo
Pregnancy complicated by oligohyd...,
Urine crystals are envelope shape...,
Whxih cells secrete renin
44  cards
renal pharma
List of aminoglycosides,
Pt started on haart presents with...,
Whn is abacavir contraindicated
46  cards
test 1
Loa loa,
Which infection may mimic peptic ...,
Pt migrates from seira leone has ...
26  cards
resp onc 2
Pt with lhf increased diastolic p...,
What does spontaneous pneumothora...,
What is vital capacity
43  cards
resp onc 4
58 year old woman firm fixed non ...,
Clusters of small basophilic epit...,
Large germinal centers with numer...
27  cards
resp onc 6
Men 1,
Men 2a,
Mechanism of rifampin
52  cards
resp onco 5
Pleomorphic gram negative coccoba...,
Eaton agar grows,
Blood agar
35  cards
resp onc 7
G1 phase,
G2 phase,
Where are ependymomas most common...
25  cards
resp onc 8
Hiv positive feet swelling brown ...,
Interferon alpha can treat what,
Pt presents with a right flank ma...
35  cards
resp onc 9
Diffuse emphysema uniformly invol...,
Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid with...,
Frc and rv in emphysema
44  cards
resp onc 10 11
Hepadena virus,
Chinese patients has liver mass l...
59  cards
Maintain blood brain barrier and ...,
Ependymal cells,
Sensorineural hearing loss tinnit...
21  cards
Streptococcus pneumoniae which is...,
Increases aminobutyric availabili...,
Ethosuximide se
85  cards
Worsening arthritis of the left k...,
Bleeding normat apt increased pt,
Presence of antiphospholipid anti...
104  cards
Cant extend wrist triceps reflex ...,
Pelvic fracture can damage which ...,
Common peroneal nerve function l4 s2
168  cards
Woman from middle east grayish sk...,
Ixodes tick transfers,
Anopheles mosquito
124  cards
Main artery of pelvis,
Main nerve of pelvis,
Which structure anchors testes to...
66  cards
repro 3
Mifepristone is given with what drug,
Bicornuate uterus,
Two major causes of third semeste...
54  cards
random new qs
0  cards
Endo 1
How will tbg t3 t4 look like in a...,
Undergo nuclear translocation to ...,
Increase peripheral sensitivity t...
60  cards
Slow waves determine the frequenc...,
Counteract acidity levels,
Function of secretin
136  cards
Subacute vs acute endocarditis,
His patient presents with decreas...,
History of sharp pain at rest but...
101  cards
random new
0  cards

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2024 - élo - usmle rx qbank

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