This class was created by Brainscape user Harriet Seaward. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

What is a drug,
What are some sources of drugs,
What is pharmacokinetics
9  cards
What class are afil,
What is the use of afil,
What class are artan
10  cards
What is pharmacokinetics,
What are the areas that affect th...,
What does bioavailability mean
51  cards
What is pharmacodynamics,
What are the 4 categories where d...,
What is an acellular interaction
41  cards
drug interactions
What are relative contrindications,
What are absolute contraindications,
What are type a adrs
28  cards
medication legislation
What is the medicines act 1968,
What is the human medicines regul...,
What is the misuse of drugs act 1971
31  cards
opioids and analgesics
What is pain,
What are the stages of the ascend...,
What are the fibres in the first ...
55  cards
non-opioids and adjuvants
Where do non steroidal anti infla...,
What do cox1 help to produces,
What does cox2 help to produce
37  cards
controlled drugs
What is a controlled drug,
What are the areas of management ...,
How is the manufacture of control...
12  cards
respiratory pharamcology
What are the main characteristics...,
Mild asthma characteristics,
Moderate asthma characteristics
34  cards
hypertensive emergencies
Presentation of pts with hyperten...,
What my happen if bp reduction is...,
What are examples of different ty...
26  cards
management of coronary artery diseases
What are examples of stable ische...,
What are examples of acute corona...,
What are modifiable risk factors ...
21  cards
haemostasis and thrombosis pharmacology
What is haemostasis,
How does the body stop reduce blo...,
What is the mechanism of action o...
58  cards
drugs - HF, shock & arrythmias
What are non pharmacological mana...,
What are the 4 classes of anti ar...,
What is the mechanism of action o...
30  cards
allergy and epilepsy drugs
Why is adrenaline used for anaphy...,
How does adrenalines work in anap...,
What is the mechanism of action o...
32  cards
What are key elements of patient ...,
What are the 10 rights of medicat...,
What are 3 key elements needed in...
8  cards
MDT and medication errors
Why is effective communication ne...,
What are challenges in a multidis...,
Why are there communication barri...
7  cards

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