2. political parties

This class was created by Brainscape user Will Martin. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Features, functions and funding of political parties
What is a political party,
How are most parties structured,
What are the main functions of po...
8  cards
The Conservative party
Who originally were the conservat...,
What are the strands of conservatism,
Who was sir robert peel
31  cards
The Liberal Democrats
What are the origins of the liber...,
What are classical liberals,
Who was we gladstone what did he do
34  cards
The Labour party
When was the labour party founded...,
The creation of labour coincided ...,
Labour generally represent
43  cards
Minor political parties
Who are plaid cymru,
Who are the scottish national party,
Explain the origin of devolution
21  cards
Political Parties in Context
Define party systems,
What is a one party system,
What is a dominant party system
31  cards
Essay: Evaluate the extent to which the UK still has a two party system
5  cards
Essay: Evaluate the extent to which 'minor' parties impact the political argument and debate in contemporary Britain
Snp do impact the political argument,
Snp don t impact the political ar...
8  cards
Essay: Evaluate the extent to which there is a policy consensus between the major UK parties
0  cards
Essay: Evaluate the view that Labour are internally unified
0  cards
Essay: Evaluate the view that the Conservatives are internally unified
0  cards
Essay: Evaluate the view that the Lib Dems are internally unified
0  cards
Essay: Evaluate the extent to which the Labour Party has abandoned traditional socialist policies
0  cards
Evaluate the extent to which the Conservative party has abandoned Thatcherism
7  cards

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2. political parties

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