(2) introductory ocular disease

This class was created by Brainscape user Bradley Brown. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Ocular motility
Which muscles do the cranial nerv...,
What do you look for when doing o...,
How is ocular motility recorded
7  cards
Pupil Responses
Indications for examining pupil r...,
Neurological symptoms linked with...,
Pathway for afferent pupil pathway
15  cards
Visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, colour vision
Indications for pinhole,
Symptoms of neurological disease,
Investigations for neurological d...
9  cards
Next steps after eye exam,
5 steps when addressing px in man...,
Management options
6  cards
Inflammatory disease
Why does the body inflame,
Increased blood vessel permeability
36  cards
Allergic eye disease
What is the immune system and how...,
What is hypersensitivity and what...,
What are the types associated wit...
29  cards
Ocular first aid - Introductory ocular disease
Main mechanical injury types,
Non mechanical injuries,
Corneal anatomy
27  cards
Lids, Lashes & Tears
Ectropion causes and risk factors,
Ectropion symptoms
51  cards
The Crystalline lens
Lens anatomy,
Describe nuclear cataract,
Nuclear cataract symptoms
28  cards
Conjunctivitis signs and symptoms,
Keratitis signs and symptoms,
When do bacterial infections occur
33  cards
Glaucoma and Ocular Hypertension
Glaucoma definition,
Glaucoma aetiology theories,
Classification of glaucoma acquir...
42  cards
Optic Nerve Head
How are discs recorded,
Common disc anomalies not part of...,
What are myelinated nerve fibres
48  cards
Retinal Vasculature
What are some common leakage depo...,
Types of haemorrhage,
Retinal haemorrhages
38  cards
Key features of macula,
Common macular diseases,
Describe amd
24  cards
Vitreous and Retinal Detachment
Vitreous retinal attachments,
Vitreous degeneration,
Posterior vitreous detachment pvd
19  cards
Other causes of red eye
Describe pinguecula,
Pinguecula symptoms,
Pinguecula signs
28  cards

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(2) introductory ocular disease

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