This class was created by Brainscape user Alexandra Brown. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Pharm - Rami
Penicillin moa,
What 3 penicillins are more susce...,
General side effect of penicillins
500  cards
Pharm - Rami Pt 2
Bisphosphonates uses,
Side effect of bisphosphonates,
Paget disease osteitis deformans ...
265  cards
Lange - Pharm
Penicillin pen g iv pen v o,
Ampicillin amoxicillin,
Piperacillin ticarcillin
296  cards
LEA - Embryology
At what week does the limb bud ap...,
During which week of gestation do...,
At what week do the lower limb bu...
21  cards
LEA - Osteology
Name the vertebral structure that...,
What is the difference between th...,
Which pelvic bone is the first to...
34  cards
LEA - Angiology
Which three arteries are remnants...,
At what level of the spine does t...,
Compression of the left common il...
37  cards
LEA - Neurology
Name the branches of the lumbar p...,
Name the branches of the sacral p...,
What nerves make up the sciatic n...
21  cards
LEA - Myology
What are the six short lateral ro...,
How do the actions of the gluteal...,
Which muscles of the hip insert i...
34  cards
LEA - Arthrology
What type of joints are the hip k...,
What two joint types make up the ...,
What are the key ligaments of the...
33  cards
LEA - Landmarks
What structures transverse the gr...,
What structures traverse the less...,
Name the muscles that originate f...
30  cards
BRS - LEA Highlights
What is the pelvic girdle,
What is the strongest ligament of...,
What are the boundaries of the fe...
98  cards
Anatomy 100 Concepts
Lumbar pucture tap and epidural a...,
At what level should you give a l...,
How low does the dural sac extend
341  cards
BRS - Biochem Clinical Correlates
Which cells produce hcl of the st...,
Gerd pathology symptoms treatment,
What drug is used to treat glauco...
190  cards
During quiet standing the line of...,
Lurch gait cause,
Lurch gait description
12  cards

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