This class was created by Brainscape user Chris Egubjo. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

Week 1 - A - Mental State Examination (A+B, Speech, M+A, Thoughts, Perception, Cognition, Insight - & Qs in Past Psychiatric history
What are the things you assess fo...,
State the different areas of the ...,
What involuntary movements that a...
26  cards
Week 1 - B - Abnormal Mood - Depression - Symptoms, Mental State Exam, Diagnosis (core features & additional symptoms), subtypes
What age do 50 of all mental heal...,
Mental disorders include 50 start...,
What are mood disorders 50 of men...
38  cards
Week 1 - C - Abnormal mood - Bipolar disorder - Bipolar 1,2, Cyclothmyic - Hypomania, mania with/without psychotic symptoms
What classification symptoms are ...,
As icd 10 describe the episode se...,
Lets start with bipolar disorders...
23  cards
Week 1 - D - Pharmacology- Neuropathic pain, Depression (SSRI, SNRI, TCA, MAOI, Atypicals)&Bipolar disorder (acute&mood stabilisation)
Antidepressant drugs have lots of...,
How does carbamezapine 1st line f...,
What are the three main classes o...
52  cards
Week 1 - E - Capacity/consent - Adults with incapacity 2000 (Section 47), Mental health act 2003 (E.D, S.T.D,C.T.O), Guardianship/Power of Attonrney
What is the capacity to give cons...,
What are the three aspects of som...,
Capacity should be assumed until ...
30  cards
Week 1 - F - Eating disorders - Anorexia nervosa, Bulimia nervosa, Binge eating disorders - Diagnostic features, Risk assessment, Treatment
Anorexia nervosa nervous absence ...,
Anorexia nervosa wight loss lack ...,
In females the widespread endocri...
27  cards
Week 1 - G - Anxiety disorder - Generalised anxiety disorder, Panic, Phobias (agoraphobia, specific, social), Obsessive compulsive disorder
What physical symptoms can anxiet...,
What it is important to rule out ...,
What is thought to be released in...
48  cards
Week 2 - A - Response to trauma, Trauma 1 and 2, Freeze v flee, PTSD diagnosis criteria and treatment
Traumatic events can be classifie...,
Is type 1 or type 2 trauma more l...,
Is trauma more likely to affect h...
18  cards
Week 2 - B - Direct self Harm, Huntingtons disease, Depression and bipolar questions and ECT
When talking to a patient should ...,
Where is suicides more common wha...,
What is the risk of suicide in th...
32  cards
Week 2 - C - Pharamacology of Anxiolytic drugs - Benzodiazepines mainly - effects and how to withdraw
What are the different types of a...,
In gad panic disorders and social...,
Benzodiazepines exhibit a number ...
23  cards
Week 3 - A - Schizophrenia - Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment and side effects, Depression/Mania/delirium with psychosis
What is psychosis what does psych...,
What are the classic characterist...,
In a patient with psychosis do th...
77  cards
Week 3 - B - Management of violence and aggression - Mental Health Act Scotland 2003, Rapid Tranquilisation policy
What is the definition of violence,
Is crime actually increasing or d...,
Does having a mental health disor...
24  cards
Week 3 - C - Brief dementia Cards - Alzheimers disease - Where it starts and treatment, Lewy body & parkinsons , Hachinski Ischaemic Score
Even though there is no cure for ...,
What are the order of the 4 most ...,
When does alzhimers dementi typic...
17  cards
Week 3 - D - Learning disabilities - IQ classification and mental age, causes (chromosomal/pregnancy), Mental disorders
Define learning disability,
What is the criteria for having a...,
What is the criteria of a learnin...
35  cards
Week 3 - E - Neurobiology of addiction - Diagnosing addiction, mesolimbic dopaminergic pathway - reward, stress effect on addiction
What is the icd 10 criteria for d...,
What acronym is used for diagnosi...,
In the acronym c cut down a annoy...
21  cards
Week 3 - F - Alcohol misuse - Dependance, Alcohol withdrawal, delirium tremens, prevention of relapse, , Wernicke's&Korsakoffs
10 of the drinking population dri...,
For the concepts of the risks of ...,
What is increased risk drinking w...
38  cards
Week 3 - G - Opioid misuse - Detox and Opioid replacement therapy
Lets talk about opiate addiction ...,
What patients is detoxification u...,
What are the different detoxifica...
8  cards
Week 4 - A - Delilirum assessment tests - 4A.T and C.A.M, Dementia assessment tests - M.M.S.E, M.o.C.A, Addenbrookes
What is the most common mental he...,
How is delirium defined,
What abnormalities would be seen ...
14  cards
Week 4 - B - Personality Disorder - A (Paranoid, Schizoid, Schizotypal), B (Antisocial, borderline, histirionic), C (Avoidant, dependent, obsessive compulsive)
What is a personality,
What is a personality again the s...,
What are the key areas that make ...
35  cards
Week 4 - C - ADHD - Triad, Co-morbidities and Treatment, ASD - Core features (mainly triad), Co-morbidities and treatment
What is the most common neurobeha...,
What does adhd stand for,
What is the diagnostic triad of adhd
33  cards
PSYCHIATRIC TERMS NO-ORGANIC CAUSE - Somatisiation, Hypochondriasis, Conversion, Dissociation, Factitious, Malingering
There are a wide variety of psych...,
What is the new term that describ...,
What is conversion disorder what ...
10  cards
PSYCHIATRIC PEER TUTORING 2017/18 - mental state findings, anxiety conditions, changes in behaviour/personality
Question 1 what is the answer a t...,
Question 1 what is the answer a t...,
Question 1 what is the answer a t...
23  cards

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year 3(b3) - psychiatry

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