This class was created by Brainscape user Amy Sinclair. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

Reproductive System
What are the benefits of pubic hair,
What are the glands in the vulva,
What are the purpose of the vulva...
39  cards
What are the two processes that m...,
What coordinates the two processes,
What is the goal of the cycle
26  cards
Female Pelvis and Fetal Skull
What are the 4 bones that form th...,
What 3 things make up the pelvic ...,
What makes up the true pelvis
32  cards
Fetal development and Embryology
Describe the process of sperm pro...,
How come men have unlimited sperm...,
How long does the maturation proc...
69  cards
Digestive System
What does the digestive system do,
Name parts of the digestive system,
Name the accessory organs
32  cards
Renal System
What makes up the renal system,
What are the function of the kidneys,
What is the definition fo homeost...
64  cards
Respiratory System
What is external respiration,
What is internal respiration,
What is in the upper respiratory ...
32  cards
Muskulo Skeletal System
What does the musculoskeletal sys...,
What is the cortical bone,
What is an osteon
55  cards
Cardio System
What does the cardiovascular syst...,
How much blood is in an adult male,
How much blood is in an adult female
47  cards
Fetal Circulation
What are the adaptations that mus...,
What special features does the fe...,
What does the umbilical vein do
33  cards
What are the 3 stages of lactation,
Describe lactogenesis 1,
Describe lactogenesis 2
38  cards
Health Promotion and Concept of Health
What si the definition of health,
What is public health,
What is inequality
20  cards
Physiology of first stage labour
What is the description of physic...,
What is 1st stage of labour,
What happens in 2nd stage labour
31  cards
Care in 1st Stage Labour
What are some of the characterist...,
What is positive practice,
What are some practices that coul...
18  cards
Physiology of 2nd stage labour
What is the definition of 2nd sta...,
What are the signs of second stag...,
What is the rhomboid of michaelis
13  cards
Physiology of 3rd stage labour
What is the definition of 3rd sta...,
How long does he third stage take,
What is also included in third stage
8  cards
Care of 2nd stage labour
What are the aims for providing care,
What are the principles of care i...,
What are the maternal observation...
20  cards
Care in 3rd stage labour
What is physiological management,
What is active management,
What are the sign of separation o...
7  cards
Postnatal care
Describe the star day,
What do you do on day 1,
What do you do on day 2
35  cards
newborn screening tests
When is the hearing screening,
When is the blood spot test
2  cards
Nervous System
What does the nervous system do,
How does the nervous system commu...,
What other system does the nervou...
33  cards
Skin and body membranes
What do body membranes do,
What make sup the membranes,
Describe the mucous membrane
31  cards
Features of a healthy newborn
What are the transitions to extra...,
What is in the first examination ...,
What do you look for in general a...
36  cards

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midwifery 1201

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