nat 5 2020-2022

This class was created by Brainscape user James Burns. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

A. Matter
What does classifying mean,
What is meant by matter,
What are the 3 states of matter
39  cards
B. Made in the stars
What is meant by an element,
Approximately how many elements a...,
Where are elements listed
39  cards
C. Chemical reactions
What is an element,
What is a compound,
What is a reactant
26  cards
D. Awesome Acids
What is the number range of the p...,
What does the ph scale measure,
What is the ph range for acids
29  cards
1.1 Reactions and Reaction Rates
What is an element,
What is a compound,
What is a reactant
30  cards
1.2 a Periodic table and Atomic Structure
What are the 3 types of elements ...,
What are properties of metals and...,
What name do we give to different...
25  cards
1.2 b Bonding relating to properties
Why do elements take part in reac...,
What is a covalent bond,
What type of elements form covale...
36  cards
8 a i. All about water
What is the molecular formula of ...,
What shape is the water molecule
15  cards
8a ii. Acids and Bases
What does the ph scale measure,
What is the number range of the p...,
What is the ph range for acids
33  cards
8b. Reactions of acids
What is meant by neutralising an ...,
Why is neutralisation important,
Give some examples of neutralisat...
14  cards
2.0 Fuels and Fractions
What is a fuel,
What name do we give to reactions...,
What name do we give to reactions...
25  cards
2.1 Hydrocarbons
What is a hydrocarbon,
What is a homologous series,
What are the names of the alkanes...
34  cards
2.2 Everyday consumer products
What are the 2 ways to make ethanol,
What are some uses of ethanol,
Whys is octanol so much less solu...
14  cards
2.3 Energy from fuels
What is meant by an exothermic re...,
What is meant by an endothermic r...,
What is meant by combustion
8  cards
3.1 Metals and electrochemical cells
What is metallic bonding,
Why do metals conduct electricity,
What are the 4 reactions of metals
34  cards
3.2. Plastics
What is meant by a monomer,
What is a polymer,
What is a repeating unit
11  cards
3.3. Fertilisers
What 3 elements are needed for pl...,
What is a fertiliser,
Why must n p and k be in th forms...
21  cards
3.4. Nuclear Chemistry
What is meant by,
Where does does,
Why causes some nuclei to be unst...
21  cards

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nat 5 2020-2022

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