delta a320 s-lod

This class was created by Brainscape user Robert Eggen. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Air Conditioning / Pressurization/ Pneumatics
Recall the function of each posit...,
Recall the function of each posit...,
Recall the function of each posit...
25  cards
Surveillance Systems
What occurs when the gpws terr pb...,
What occurs when the gpws sys pb ...,
What is the function of the g s m...
10  cards
Landing Gear
What is the meaning of the triang...,
What indications aid a pilot in d...,
What is the meaning of a red unlk...
17  cards
There are 3 separate and independ...,
What are the power sources of the...,
What are the power sources of the...
14  cards
Recall the aircraft s fuel tank c...,
Explain normal fuel loading sequence,
What is the maximum fuel imbalanc...
13  cards
Navigation and Surveillance
Describe the operating modes of t...,
Describe the operating modes of t...,
Describe the operating modes of t...
15  cards
Indicating/Recording Systems
Describe the organization of the ...,
Describe the components of the ai...,
Describe the general displays of ...
17  cards
Flight Controls
Describe the roles of the elevato...,
Describe the roles of the flight ...,
Describe the roles of the spoiler...
43  cards
Fire Protection
What are the indications for an a...,
Recall the number of halon fire b...,
Describe the apu s automatic fire...
6  cards
Power Plant / APU
Explain the meaning of the flap o...,
What is the meaning of the low oi...,
What are the indications when the...
21  cards
What are the power sources for th...,
What are the power sources for th...,
Describe the electrical system s ...
21  cards
Recall the function of the audio ...,
How are flightdeck oxygen mask mi...,
How are flightdeck oxygen mask mi...
3  cards
Auto Flight
Fmgc 1 generates commands for,
Fmgc2 generates commands for,
With autopilots off which fmgc is...
26  cards

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delta a320 s-lod

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