This class was created by Brainscape user Kirsty Young. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

arthrology of the pectoral girdle
What 2 bones form the pectoral gi...,
What bones articulate at the glen...,
What bones articulate at the acro...
20  cards
Practical skills of the shoulder region
What are the limiting factors for...,
What are the limiting factors of ...,
What are the limiting factors for...
34  cards
myology of the rotator cuff
What 4 muscles make up the rotato...,
What is the largest and strongest...,
Subscapularis origin
19  cards
arthrology of the glenohumeral joint
Describe articular surfaces of gl...,
Classify the glenohumeral joint,
Describe the articular surface of...
16  cards
arthrology of the elbow and forearm
Classify the elbow joint,
Classify the superior radio ulnar...,
Classify the inferior radio ulnar...
17  cards
arthrology of the wrist
Classify the radiocarpal joint,
What bones articulate at the radi...,
Describe the concave convex rule ...
17  cards
arthrology of the hand
Classify the carpometacarpal join...,
Describe the articulating surface...,
What 3 sets of ligaments stabilis...
11  cards
practical skills/ what AP movements mimic
Describe grade 1 accessory movement,
Describe grade 2 accessory movement
8  cards
myology of the shoulder region
Name the group one muscles of the...,
What do the group one muscles con...,
Trapezius origins
54  cards
practical skills of the elbow
Classify elbow joint,
Classify superior radio ulnar joint,
Classify inferior radio ulnar joint
21  cards
practical skills of the wrist and hand
goniometry, special tests, limiting factors, accessory movements
40  cards
myology of the elbow
Biceps brachii origins,
Biceps brachii insertion,
Biceps brachii nerve supply
30  cards
myology of the wrist
What are the 3 main wrist flexors,
Flexor carpi ulnaris action,
Flexor carpi ulnaris origin
7  cards

More about
145 upper limb

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